For the eighth consecutive year, the College was recognized as one of the top academic institutions to secure international research and teaching opportunities for students and alumnae through the prestigious fellowship program.
For the eighth consecutive year, the College was recognized as one of the top academic institutions to secure international research and teaching opportunities for students and alumnae through the prestigious fellowship program.
Chin, who majored in sociology (and won a Grammy!), will spend a year in Beijing pursuing a fully funded master’s degree.
Read about the latest accomplishments from the Barnard community.
Read about the latest accomplishments from the Barnard community.
Admissions director Ruby Bhattacharya and professor Mark Santolucito were awarded grants to work in France and South Korea, respectively.
Members of the College community will conduct research as recipients of grants from organizations including the U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program and the National Science Foundation.
For the seventh consecutive year, the College was recognized as one of the top academic institutions to secure international research and teaching opportunities for students and alumnae through the prestigious fellowship program.
Wang, who majored in math and computer science, will spend a year in Beijing pursuing a fully funded master’s program in global affairs.
The Ann Whitney Olin Professor of History has dedicated three decades of research to sharing the truth behind today’s “care economy” — and was recently awarded $250,000 to advance her scholarship.
The educational studies and human rights double major will leverage the prize to pursue her mission to improve public education and uplift women in Central Asia.
Read about the latest accomplishments from the Barnard community.