Adulting: The Series

The Senior Class Council presents Adulting: The Series! In partnership with the Athena Center, Beyond Barnard, the office of Community Engagement and Inclusion, Barnard Alumnae, and the LeFrak Center, we will be holding sessions on everything you didn’t learn in class—ranging from how to manage your student loans to how to network effectively—throughout the 2021-2022 academic year.

[Photo credit: Barnard Archives - Barnard College Commencement 1898]

Lifestlye banner for Barnard Adulting webpage

Up next in Adulting: Lifestyle! What are the best practices for renting an apartment in New York? How can you be financially responsible while maintaining a healthy social life? How can you find a community outside of Barnard while still taking advantage of the alumni network? These questions and more will be answered in the Lifestyle series of Adulting, brought to you in March and April.

Financial Adulting with Ashley Feinstein Gerstly | Thursday, March 3rd, 6:00 - 7:00pm - Lynn Chu Classroom, Milstein Basement

Do you want to become a financially conscious and confident adult? Join us for a discussion of personal finances—on topics ranging from student loans, to health insurance, to credit cards—with financial expert and author of Financial Adulting, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley.

Growing Where You’re Planted: Building Your Community Post-Grad | Wednesday, March 23rd, 7:00pm - 8:00pm - Milstein Seminar Room 113

What does your ideal post-graduate community look like? Attend this workshop sponsored by the Office of Community Engagement & Inclusion to find ways to serve your local community and potential ways your community can serve you.

Renting an Apartment in NYC | Tuesday, March 29th, 6:00pm – 7:00pm - On Zoom

Renting an apartment for the first time can be intimidating, but the Senior Class Council is here to help! Learn about useful resources to find your new home, how to fill out important forms, and some apartment renting do’s and don’ts.  This workshop is not New York City-specific so whether you’re staying nearby, or logging miles feel free to join.

Becoming a Barnard Alum | Monday, April 11th, 7:00pm – 8:00pm - Sulzberger Parlor

How can you take advantage of the Barnard alumni network after graduation? How can you stay in touch with the connections and community you have created? And what are the best practices for transitioning into postgraduate life? Learn from a panel of alumni from diverse backgrounds and disciplines about how to become a Barnard alum.


career skills banner

Applying for a job or an internship is an art and a science. It takes knowledge of basic best practices, and consistent fine-tuning. This series of workshops in partnership with Beyond Barnard will provide you with hints and strategies on crafting your resume and cover letter, networking, and interviewing. 

Job Search Party Kick-Off: Finding Your First Post-Grad Position | Monday, February 7th, 5:00pm-6:00pm (virtual)

Join Beyond Barnard on February 7th for a kick-off to Job Search Party, a community of support and encouragement for seniors seeking jobs in any field. You'll be able to join a weekly drop-in group to discuss your progress and set goals for your individual search after this introductory session. We'll talk about job hunting in a volatile economy, where opportunities abound but a flexible approach is required. We’ll also share good news about the last two graduating classes, and tools for assessing your goals and developing tactical next steps.

Making Decisions with Clarity and Confidence | Tuesday, February 15th, 5:00pm - 6:00 pm (virtual)

Even if you're not currently seeking a job, you've probably got some big decisions to make in the near future. That's why we've partnered with Maria Carson Breber (P ’22), founder of Decide LLC, for Making Decisions With Clarity and Confidence, a workshop in which you’ll learn a structured way to carefully consider important factors and trade-offs to make the best decision for you.

Resumes | Monday, February 28th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Resumes that highlight achievements — rather than just recapping duties and responsibilities — help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of being asked to interview. Learn how to craft bullets that convey that 'extra something' you bring to your work, and how to effectively shape your resume overall.

​Cover Letters | Tuesday, March 1st, 12:00pm - 1:00pm​​

Whether required or optional, cover letters are a key opportunity to make the case that you will excel in a specific job or internship. Learn methods to effectively tailor your letters to the job description — without being boring! ​

Networking | Wednesday, March 2nd, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Networking is key not just to job searching, but career exploration and development. In this workshop, learn how to tap into the Barnard network via Barnard Connect and LinkedIn, and build your professional relationships in general.

Interviewing | Thursday, March 3rd, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

From preparing to interviewing to following up, this session will teach you how to navigate the interview process successfully and land the job or internship you want. Strategize your answers to commonly asked interview questions, and learn how to handle the unexpected ones.

Missed a session? Email to get access to the recording.


Adulting - Finance series header

Up next in Adulting: Finance! How do you become financially independent? What are the best practices for navigating money in the workplace? How do you pay taxes, and how can you start investing? All these questions and more will be answered with the help of financial expert and founder of Down to Earth Finance Galia Gichon in this segment of our Adulting series. All sessions will be held in the Athena Center. You don't have to be a senior to attend and you can attend any or all sessions—just RSVP at this link because space is limited.

Back to the Basics: Finance Tips & Tricks | Friday, October 15th, 5:30-6:30 PM

Let's dive headfirst into the world of finance! Join us as we begin to set financial goals for the future, including building credit, managing student loans, and gaining financial independence.  

Budgeting Basics | Saturday, October 16th, 12-1 PM

Always wanted to make a budget, but don't know how? In this session, we'll be reviewing 4 different ways to make a budget and platforms to make them on. 

Investing 101 | Saturday, October 16th, 1-2 PM

Stocks, investments, shares, oh my! Join us to learn about the investing world and how to plan for retirement. 

Money in the Workplace | Saturday, October 23rd, 12-1 PM

How do you make the most of your benefits? How do you make sure you're paying the right amount in taxes? Join us to navigate all aspects of money in the workplace. 

Financial Wellbeing | Saturday, October 23rd, 1-2 PM

What does money have to do with your wellness? In this session, we'll discuss how to maintain a healthy relationship with your finances as you progress toward your future goals. 


Design Your Future

Design Your Future | Friday, September 24th 6-7 PM

To kick off Adulting: The Series, we’ll be hosting a Design Your Future session in partnership with Columbia Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Design! We will be using design principles to tackle important questions about your future—from where you want to live to how you can integrate fulfilling hobbies into your daily life. The session will take place in the Athena Center, and attendance is capped at 16.

All attendees will receive a Levain Cookie (gluten-free/Kosher/vegan options will also be available).


Missed an Adulting session? Email to get access to the recording.