Facts & Stats

The Barnard Community

Location: New York, NY USA
4 acres in Morningside Heights

Admissions (Class of 2027 - Entered Fall 2023)
11,804 Applicants
920 Admits
712 Enrolling

Enrollment (Fall 2023)
711 first-year students (full-time and part-time)
3,223 undergraduate students (excluding study abroad)

  57% students of color
  14% international students
  16% first in their families to attend college
  19% recipients of Pell grants

In 2023, U.S. students came from 46 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. International students came from 55 countries.

97% returning as sophomores after first-year (cohort entering Fall 2022)


Class of 2024
827 Degrees conferred
49% in STEM
93% first-years graduate within six years (cohort entering Fall 2018)

Top majors by department:

Computer Science
Neuroscience and Behavior
Political Science

91% employed or attending graduate/professional school six months after graduation (Class of 2023)

Explore Barnard's graduates First Destinations

Barnard is a top producer of Fulbright scholars and graduates join a network of more than 40,000 alumnae

Meet Barnard alumnae

View more Barnard's Facts 2023-24 (pdf)


Barnard's faculty (scholars dedicated to teaching) are tenured at Barnard College and Columbia University.
279 Full-Time Faculty (as of Fall 2023)

   65% women
   10:1 student-to-faculty ratio
   70% of classes have 19 or fewer students

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 Employees Factbook User Guide