Collective Advocacy Project

The Collective Advocacy Project (CAP) is dedicated to extending the work of the Writing and Speaking Fellows programs by uncovering the radical potential of communication. CAP seeks to make Barnard students' written and spoken voices visible beyond the classroom and in all aspects of life, expanding its parent Programs' mission of validating students' voices within the classroom. We believe that every person’s voice is significant, that this very notion is in and of itself radical, and that the making visible of marginalized, oppressed, or otherwise unheard voices is activism. Writing and speaking pedagogies do not belong only in the classroom. We believe that understanding our own potential for activism is vital to the education of Liberal Arts college students, and fundamental in the creation of a more just society. CAP, as a project of the Barnard Writing and Speaking Programs, seeks to support student activism on the Barnard/Columbia campus and the world at large.
In addition to organizing campus events, CAP publishes an annual literary journal and releases various podcasts about the history of communication pedagogy at Barnard and beyond. Follow the links to the left to learn more.