Computer Science Seminar: Senjuti Basu Roy (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Senjuti Basu Roy, New Jersey Institute of Technology Title: Optimization Opportunities in Human-in-the-loop Systems
The seminar will be available for in-person and Zoom participation. If you would like to receive the Zoom link, please register using the “Register” button above.
An emerging trend is to leverage an under-explored and richly heterogeneous pool of human knowledge inside machine algorithms, a practice popularly termed as human-in-the-loop (HIL) process. A wide variety of applications, starting from query processing to text translation, feature engineering, or even human decision making in complex uncertain environments stand to benefit from such synergistic man-machine collaboration. This talk will discuss our ongoing projects, recent research results, and impacts that investigate a variety of optimization opportunities inside such HIL systems, considering the roles and responsibilities of three key stakeholders – humans (workers), machines (algorithms), and platforms (online infrastructure where the work takes place). Following that, the talk will briefly discuss how this ongoing research is well aligned in the context of the future-of-work.
Senjuti Basu Roy is the Panasonic Chair in Sustainability and an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Her research focus lies on the intersection of data management, data exploration, and AI, especially enabling human-machine analytics in scale. Senjuti has published more than 70 research papers in high impact data management and data mining conferences and journals. She is the tutorial co-chair of VLDB 2023, The Web Conference 2022, has served as the Mentorship co-chair of SIGMOD 2018, PhD workshop co-chair of VLDB 2018, and has been involved in organizing several international workshops and meetings. She is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, a PECASE nominee, and one of the 100 invited early career engineers to attend the National Academy of Engineering’s 2021 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.