New Faculty 
on campus This fall

Assistant professors join science and humanities departments

By by Alyssa Vine

Karen Lewis 

Karen Lewis, assistant professor of philosophy, joins Barnard from the University of Southern California; she received her BA from Queen’s University, Canada, and her doctorate from Rutgers. Her specialty is the philosophy of language, particularly questions of meaning and communication. Outside her academic work, she enjoys cycling, cooking, and 
reading novels.

Jonathan Snow 

A member of the biological sciences department, Assistant Professor Jonathan Snow studies the immune mechanisms of honey bees and currently has four bee colonies living in hives on the roof of Barnard Hall. This year he is teaching cell biology, introduction to molecular biology, and a senior seminar on immunology. Originally from Nashville, he relaxes by playing 
the banjo.

Homa Zarghamee 

Homa Zarghamee studies the impact of mood on economic behavior, determinants of social preferences, gender and competition, and subjective well-being. She is also interested in the economics of child labor, youth in developing countries, and the transition from education to the labor force in Iran. Zarghamee received her doctorate in economics from Cornell, and joins Barnard from Santa Clara University.

Rachel Eisendrath 

From the University of Chicago, Rachel Eisendrath specializes in 16th-century English poetry and prose. Before discovering her love for Renaissance verse, she studied painting and sculpture at the New York Studio School. Now in New York, she plans to visit her favorite works of art—paintings, tiles, rugs, and sculptures—at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Ellen Morris 

Ellen Morris ’91, an ancient-studies major at Barnard, is now a member of the department’s faculty, with a specialty in ancient Egyptian society. She has also done fieldwork in the Nile Valley at Abydos and Mendes, as well as at Amheida in Dakhleh Oasis. Thrilled to be back at her alma mater, she’ll be teaching courses on ancient Egyptian society and on Greco-Roman Egypt.

Andrew Crowther 

Andrew Crowther is a physical chemist studying the fundamental electronic and optical properties of graphene, a new material with great potential for electronics and energy. This lifelong soccer player was a post-doctoral researcher at Columbia. Crowther was also with The National Academies, where he worked on renewable energy and sustainability.

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