Making Things Run 

By Abigail Beshkin

In the Winter 2015 issue of the magazine we featured alumnae who have returned to Barnard to teach. On these pages are several of the alumnae whose contributions also make Barnard the unique place it is—the administrators who run the College and provide an array of services other than instruction. Alumnae administrators include recent graduates and more experienced employees. Says Catherine Geddis, vice president of human resources, “Recent graduates often have the opportunity to serve as role models for current students. They bring an understanding of student life, plus the perspective of an employee whose work contributes to the mission of the College.” More experienced staff, she adds, “have a historical knowledge of the Barnard they remember from their time as students, and the experience of life and work in the outside world. They’re able to integrate the two in a way that adds a unique quality to the way we work at Barnard.”

Latest IssueWinter 2025

Paying tribute to Zora Neale Hurston on her centennial (2025-2028)