Perspectives on a Busy Year

This has been yet another incredible year for Barnard and for the Alumnae Association. At Commencement 2013, I had the honor of welcoming to the AABC every graduating senior stepping off the stage at Radio City Music Hall. I also celebrated with generations of Barnard alumnae at Reunion 2013, where I met Mae Miller, 102 years old and celebrating her 80th Reunion. What an honor! Our annual meeting was well attended; several amazing alumnae received special recognition. Read more about them on page 16 in this issue.

One alumna who deserves mention is Dorothy Urman Denburg ’70. Whether we met her when we interviewed for Barnard or sought her counsel as academic advisor or first-year class dean, many of us have had the pleasure of knowing Dean Denburg. She has played a significant role in strengthening the Alumnae Association over the past three years. As vice president for college relations, she has traveled the world—London, Israel, St. Louis, Seattle, Raleigh-Durham, to name a few places—bringing Barnard wherever she went. Through her programs, alumnae learned to write their memoirs, become experts on contemporary art, and participate in our first online course taught by Professor Mary Gordon ’71. I have been fortunate to work with Dorothy in this capacity over the past two years, and we have all benefitted from her wisdom and guidance. Speaking for myself and the AABC, I want to say how grateful we have been for all her efforts on behalf of Barnard’s alumnae. We wish her all the best.

The Alumnae Association has been working hard this past year to continue in her footsteps. Two years ago, the AABC board adopted a strategic plan to accomplish our goal—that each alumna will feel a connection to the college. The plan calls for supporting Barnard’s fundraising efforts, advocating for the College, and participating in its programs. One of our major efforts was to build connections between current students and alumnae; I am pleased to announce that this year the Student Government Association (SGA) named Alumnae Affairs as “Department of the Year.” This honor is awarded annually to recognize the office that has demonstrated outstanding leadership and commitment to the Barnard community throughout the current academic year and on an ongoing basis. How proud I was to hear this news and to know that our future alumnae felt that the office, and by extension the AABC, had made a contribution to the students before they graduated. They are the future of the College and the world, and we know the world needs Barnard women! We are pleased to continue to foster these connections between students and alumnae.

Thank you to all who have participated in alumnae activities this academic year—joining committees and clubs, fundraising, and sharing your time and expertise. I invite more of you to come back and connect with Barnard in the upcoming year.


All my best wishes,

Mary Ann LoFrumento ’77

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