Now & Future Goals

As I write this note, the summer has just begun and we have already seen horrific low points and amazing highs. We cried together mourning the terrible loss of nine innocent lives in a church in Charleston, S.C., and watched the confederate flag finally come down from the state’s capitol building. We followed the Supreme Court ruling that guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry nationwide, and we watched the U.S. Women’s National Soccer team win the World Cup.

As I was working on my computer last week, I took a break to watch the ticker tape parade down the Canyon of Heroes honoring the women’s soccer team. I surprised myself by crying as I watched. I am neither a soccer player, nor a soccer enthusiast. But I am a feminist and a supporter of women’s achievements. Watching the parade reminded me how much has changed since Title IX was passed more than 40 years ago. The women’s team showed the entire country what is possible when a group of talented, determined, and competitive women set out to accomplish a daunting goal—anything is possible.

Barnard has been achieving formidable goals since it began in 1889 with very limited funding as a dream to provide women with access to a high-quality college education. Today we continue to set our sights high and are building a state-of-the-art teaching and learning center that will replace Lehman Hall, with construction starting later this year. The future is an exciting one for Barnard, but the next two years will be a period of transition for the students and alumnae. As part of the campus becomes a construction zone, we will need to find new places for alumnae to gather, particularly as we celebrate reunions. We ask that you help us make our dreams possible with your support and
your patience.

By the time you receive this issue, I hope many of you will have virtually attended Barnard’s Alumnae Summer School, a six-week series of online events and lectures relating to the College’s 125th year. One of my goals has been to bring Barnard to the many alumnae who cannot come to campus but want to participate in the learning and cultural events held at the College. We also plan to push out more online content to alumnae and to make our website more user friendly with the help of our new associate director of alumnae communications, Matt Hamilton, and an alumnae website advisory committee chaired by director-at-large Anastasia Andrzejewski ’97.

It is with excitement and some trepidation that I think about the year ahead. We have started planning November’s Leadership Assembly for volunteer leaders. We are also at work on an exciting roster of events and look forward to your actual or virtual participation. Wishing you an enjoyable summer!

—Terry S. Newman ’79

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