On the Road, Again

Singer-songwriter Edie Carey ’96 relishes performing live

By Isabella Pechaty ’23


Music is an intensely personal process for Edie Carey, one that she’s been honing for years. Carey’s a folk musician based in Colorado whose songwriting career has taken her from performing at local Upper West Side venues to national tours. In June 2022, she released The Veil, an album that contemplates the thin but precious covering around time, family, and oneself.

Carey was raised in a household passionate about language, a passion that found its way into her insightful and accessible lyrics. She expanded her musical knowledge at Barnard within New York’s singer-songwriter milieu and developed her performance chops busking on the streets of Italy.

Now a wife and mother, Carey was moved to write The Veil’s title track in the midst of familial and global dangers. In early 2020, after Carey and her children were in a serious car accident and with the world on the brink of a pandemic shutdown, themes on seeking stability resonated.

“In one verse of that song, the veil refers to the thin shroud of security we all want to believe we have between us and danger and how disturbing it is when that shroud is suddenly torn away,” Carey says.

Across the album’s 12 tracks, Carey parses this fraught but vital barrier and its symbolic reverberations throughout past and present, in family and marriage, and our perceptions of one another.

Carey is currently on tour through the fall to promote The Veil and finds it a rewarding experience to reconnect with audiences after COVID-19 isolation.

“After doing this work for 23 years,” she says, “I have never appreciated more the magical, emotional exchange between a performer and an audience.” 

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