As I write, I’m lucky to be on vacation with my sister for the first time since she visited me 30 years ago, when I lived in Spain.
Currently, my sister is a fully bilingual resident of Mexico City. While I was nearly fluent when I left Spain, I am not today. If you were to use the “four stages of competence” model of skills acquisition, you could describe my Spanish-speaking prowess as “conscious incompetence.”
In other words, “I suck, and I know it.”
As we checked into our Oaxaca hotel, my sister received a paper covered in tiny print, and rather than squint through it, she asked in her impeccable Spanish if it contained the “política” of the hotel. Confused, I whispered, “The politics of the hotel?” She clarified, “The policies.” Aha.
My misinterpretation made me revisit the origins of the word “political,” which are far more neutral than what we currently hear slung about in the media. I appreciated the reminder that politics are, at root, about the policies that affect our lives.
President Beilock often emphasizes that Barnard students are taught “how to think, not what to think.” For this reason, as alums, we have tools to plumb the substance of policies that lie beneath professional politicians’ often-interchangeable slogans. We can then make informed voting decisions that reflect our values, whatever they may be.
The word política especially grabbed my attention because I have elections on my mind. This issue of the Magazine contains a fresh slate of candidates to represent your interests on the board of the Alumnae Association of Barnard College (AABC). Each year, different board positions become open as people conclude their staggered terms, most of which are three years long. The Nominating Committee, helmed by Jamie Rubin ’01, has found a wonderful, diverse group of nominees who are willing and able to commit to working for us and for Barnard.
While AABC elections may not have the wide-reaching impact that U.S. government elections do, they can make a difference in your lives and inboxes. This year, we’re electing AABC board members to lead two committees that plan events and programs for our alums. Additional positions are open to represent you, including mine as the AABC president; my term concludes on June 30.
I hope you’ll take the time to learn about your fellow alums who are offering to serve our community — and vote in the AABC elections today by visiting
Thank you!
Amy Veltman ’89
AABC President
Alumnae Trustee