Headshot of Thea Abu El-Haj

In 2024, Thea Abu El-Haj, professor of education, was recognized with two distinguished awards for her valuable research on education.

On April 13, she received the Henry T. Trueba Award for Research Leading to the Transformation of the Social Contexts of Education from the American Educational Research Association (AERA). This national research society strives to advance knowledge and scholarly inquiry about education and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. Abu El-Haj’s research explores questions about belonging, rights, citizenship, and education raised by globalization, transnational migration, and conflict. The Trueba Award recognizes Abu El-Haj’s work and the significant impact it has made on education.

On November 22, she was presented with the 2024 George and Louise Spindler Award from the Council on Anthropology and Education of the American Anthropological Association. This award honors one exceptional scholar or practitioner each year whose achievements in educational anthropology have been distinguished, exemplary, and inspirational. Abu El-Haj’s work explores questions about belonging, rights, citizenship, and education raised by globalization, transnational migration, and conflict. As the 2024 George and Louise Spindler recipient, Abu El-Haj has been recognized for having significantly advanced the study of educational processes through her research.