Chandler Miranda

Chandler Miranda

Term Assistant Professor


Urban Studies


715 Milstein Center
Students should make an appointment on my calendly page.



Professor Chandler Miranda is an urban ethnographer and education scholar who studies the educational experiences of recently arrived immigrant youth in urban public schools. Her research offers a hopeful look at uncommon schools while critiquing U.S. education policies rooted in ideologies of monolingualism, white supremacy, and xenophobia. 

Miranda’s work investigating teacher rhetoric following the 2016 presidential election is published in Anthropology & Education Quarterly (2017) and two co-authored articles that examine the experiences of immigrant students and their families in adverse political climates appear in Harvard Educational Review (2019 and 2021). In 2020, Leadership and Policy in Schools published “Segregation or Sanctuary,” in which Professor Miranda and her colleague argue for the possibilities of counterpublics for immigrant students. In 2022, Equity & Excellence in Education published a cross-case analysis comparing immigrant youth experiences of belonging in urban and rural schools. She has presented this research at the American Educational Research Association, the University Council for Educational Administration, and the American Anthropological Association. Her collaborative work has allowed her to publish critical case studies to look across time, place, and population to advance the field of immigrant education.

Miranda’s teaching experience spans high school to graduate courses.  She taught 9th-12th grade science for seven years in three different schools for English learners in the U.S and Colombia before pursuing a Ph.D.  She taught pre-service teachers at Queens College before accepting her current position at Barnard.