Maguette Camara
Maguette Camara is a recognized West African choreographer, musician and teacher who is based in New York City. He began his career with the Ballet Bougarabou Dance Company and his extensive experiences with this company allowed him to perform and present workshops in Morocco, Canada, Senegal and the United States, earning him the privileged opportunity to perform as the representative of Senegal in the festival of De Jeunes Createurs. Mr. Camara’s has performed in diverse venues such as include Lincoln Center Outdoor Concert Series, the Guggenheim Museum, The Rolling Stones World Tour, Epcot Center Disney World, the World Trade Center Jazz Festival. Mr. Camara is artistic director of the group Manekadang-Dance and Drum.
African Dance I & II
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Daria Forde ’20 merges art, athletics, and tech.