Rory Jones
Rory Jones is a medical writer and former educational writer and film producer. She conducts workshops in Narrative Medicine for doctors and healthcare professionals at various hospitals and institutions. She is also a featured speaker on celiac disease and living with a chronic illness that requires altering one’s lifestyle. She is engaged in on-going research and work in Palliative Care and Geriatrics.
The philosophical basis and practical application of illness narratives and expression; the use of literature to understand and explore the experience of illness and those who treat it.
Introduction to Narrative Medicine
Library Journal - Best Science Books of 2006
Bologna New Media Award
Developmental Software Award for Creativity, KIDS Project
International TV Film and Festival Awards
"Gluten Exposed: The Science Behind the Hype" co-author with Dr. Peter Green, Harper, Collins/Morrow 2016
“Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic” co-author with Dr. Peter Green, Head of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia, published by Harper, Collins 2006, 2010.
"No More Kidney Stones" co-author with Dr. John Rodman and Dr. Ernie Sosa, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and featured in Prevention Magazine. 1997, 2007
“Look What i See!” Writer and producer of interactive CD-ROM based on a studio art program taught at the Metropolitan Museum of Art teaching visual literacy.