Yuval Dinoor

Yuval Dinoor (she/her)

STEAM in the City Program Coordinator, Office of Community Engagement and Inclusion


Community Engagement and Inclusion office, 010 Milbank


Yuval Dinoor (she/her) works as the program coordinator for STEAM in the City, supporting Harlem's public school teachers in facilitating local experiential STEAM learning opportunities for K-8 students. She holds a BA from Barnard College in American Studies concentrating in Education, Civic Engagement and Community, and comes to CE&I with extensive experience coordinating educational programming at Barnard, having previously held positions at the Center for Engaged Pedagogy and in the Speaking Fellows Program. Her research focuses on creating experimental learning spaces to build politically active communities; recently, she aired a podcast series exploring the Highlander Research and Education Center's pedagogical approaches to community organizing. Yuval is thrilled to be a part of the STEAM in the City team and looks forward to further engaging with our community's classrooms alongside incredible educators.