Information about the 2023 Barnard Room Selection process is available at

This is the process for eligible continuing students to secure campus housing for next academic year (2023-2024) or to confirm that they aren't returning to campus housing.

Intent Form / Registration Dates

  • Room Selection form opens: 1pm Wed, March 1, 2023
  • Form deadline: 1pm Wed, March 8, 2023

ALL eligible students will submit the Room Selection Intent Form during the dates above to indicate their housing plans for next year:

How does the Housing Lottery Work?

For students who are new to participating in Room Selection & the Housing Lottery, please check out the resources below to learn more about how it works.

Class Year Standing

Note: Starting with 2023 Room Selection, point values have been adjusted by 100 (from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400) to be more intuitive based on class year (more information).

Students can check their class year standing (or to see if they are eligible to take part in Room Selection) by logging into the Housing Portal and clicking "Room Selection."

Class year standing is based on students' anticipated graduation date recorded by the Registrar's office. Students who need to adjust their graduation date should submit the form below no later than Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

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