What does participating in STEAM in the City entail?
At this time teacher recruitment for STEAM in the City 2024 Summer Institute is open! The application link is available here. Please contact Program Coordinator Yuval Dinoor at ydinoor@barnard.edu with any questions.
Summer Institute
Our year together begins at the Summer Institute, a week of hands-on participatory workshops in different STEAM fields hosted at Barnard and Morningside Park. Connect with other local educators who share your STEAM passions and gain experience crafting locally responsive projects across a variety of STEAM disciplines including ecology, urban beekeeping, tech engineering, design, and more. Throughout the week, we will also engage in dialogue about pedagogical skills you can use to plan lessons and give feedback to students.
Academic Year Extension Workshops
Throughout the year on DOE holidays, we offer continuing education workshops that dive deeper into specific STEAM subjects. Try out more tools and strategies or learn about a completely new field! Past topics have included biodiversity, hydroponic planting, and the physics of music.
Ongoing support implementing experiential STEAM learning projects throughout the year
Our program's central goal is to support educators in creating STEAM learning opportunities for their students throughout the entire academic year. Here are a couple examples of resources we make available to you to make that possible:
Resources available to STEAM Teacher Fellows:
Our trained team of SEEDs write lesson curriculum for STEAM activities, assistant teach and facilitate STEAM workshops, and create STEAM media materials to support your classroom work. Learn more about our SEEDs here (scroll to bottom of page).
Borrow a library book, visit our greenhouse, and build creations in the Design Center! As a Teacher Fellow, you have the ability to take advantage of what Barnard has to offer. We can also help you schedule class visits to many of the community spaces across Barnard’s campus.