2024 Summer Grant Recipients

2024 Summer Grant Recipients

Meet Rebecca Wernick

Rebecca researches under a multidisciplinary prehabilitation program for IBD surgery patients with the F. Widjaja Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Research Institute.

Meet Laura Kors

Laura studies the developmental processes that lead to the diverse wing patterns of Heliconius butterflies with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in the Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Lab.

Meet Amelia Rice

Amelia studies single chromosome V. cholerae strains, conducting cholera and microbiome research under the Weil Lab at the University of Washington.

Meet Harini Shankar

Harini studies the mechanisms and results of mating between different cultured Drosophila lines under the Pischedda Lab at Barnard College.

About the Biology Department Summer Grants

Each summer, the biology department funds student research outside of NYC with the help of generous donors. Students may apply in the spring.