Critical Inquiry Labs
Critical Inquiry Labs are interdisciplinary courses at Barnard College designed to foster in-depth critical studies of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, nation, and citizenship, making connections across real and imagined boundaries of theory and practice, historical eras, and geographic borders. These labs are a project of the Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies (CCIS) at Barnard College, which includes Africana Studies, American Studies and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. CCIS was founded in 2010 to create a vibrant intellectual community across program and department boundaries, and offers students and faculty the intellectual space to develop transformative frameworks for teaching and research in both local and global contexts. Many CCIS programs including the Critical Inquiry Labs seek to catalyze intellectual, institutional, and social change at Barnard and beyond. The Critical Inquiry Labs are one of CCIS’s most successful interventions in innovative, interdisciplinary pedagogy and scholarship.
Each course page shares information on courses, syllabi, links to readings, videos, and other course materials produced by faculty and students. We encourage free use and distribution of these resources.