Schedule of events
We look forward to welcoming you to Family Weekend 2024 on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26!
Family Weekend Event Details:
Parents, family members, and supporters of Barnard students in all class years are welcome to attend.
Pre-registration is required to access campus and attend Family Weekend. Please complete the registration form, which was sent to Barnard families by email, by Tuesday, October 22 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. If you did not receive the email and wish to register, please email familyweekend@barnard.edu to request the link.
Our events are intended primarily for family members, but students are welcome if they wish to join. Please simply add them to your registration as a guest.
Our registration asks you to select which events your group would like to attend to help in our planning. However, we recognize that your plans and interests may change once on campus, so we do not check registration at the door for individual sessions. While we work to accommodate as many people as possible, please note that seating for each event is available on a first come, first served basis until capacity is reached.
All Family Weekend programming is offered free of charge, except for select Columbia athletic events. We are happy to make this slate of programs accessible to as many families and supporters of current students as possible. If you are able to do so, we hope you will consider making a gift to the Barnard Annual Fund in honor of your student.
Barnard College provides reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. If you need individual disability-related accommodations for this event in order to be able to attend, we encourage you to inform us in advance in order for us to accommodate you. Possible accommodations can include real-time captioning, ASL interpretation, Braille handouts, wheelchair accessibility, and more.
Please visit the links below for more information about Family Weekend. If you have any questions not answered there, please email familyweekend@barnard.edu.
Schedule of events
On and around campus, additional events, local restaurants, and more
Frequently asked questions
If you have any questions, please email familyweekend@barnard.edu.