Coming Together to Better Our World

Amy Veltman Head Shot (1)

Thanks to all of you who stepped up to help us have an extraordinary Giving Day 2022! If you haven’t made a gift to Barnard this fiscal year (which began July 1), I hope you’ll consider supporting Barnard’s tremendous students today. 

On a hot day in early August, I had the privilege of attending the Lida Orzeck ’68 Summer Research Institute (SRI) Poster Session. Students who participate in the Summer Research Institute are fully funded to spend the summer in New York City working on scientific research with a faculty sponsor. The poster session is the culmination of their work to that point (many students continue their research). I was blown away by the quantity (286 posters!) and quality of science on display throughout the Diana Center. Students were astoundingly warm and efficient in communicating their work to me and to anyone who asked.

Unsurprisingly, this program, which gives students a chance to sample life as a working scientist, has been steadily growing in popularity since it began eight years ago.

Sometimes alums ask where gifts to Barnard go. Aside from the operating expenses needed to run a residential college, hire and retain a superlative faculty and staff, and care holistically for students, all with one of the smallest endowments among its peers in one of the more expensive cities in the United States (deep breath!), while maintaining need-blind admissions, Barnard continues to develop programs to enrich the student experience. The Summer Research Institute is just one of many resource-intensive opportunities for Barnard students that set them up for academic and professional success after graduation and that are supported by donations to the Barnard Annual Fund.

I give to Barnard because I believe that, more than ever, Barnard provides world-class tools and experiences to a motivated, diverse, and exceptional cohort of students. While giving to Barnard can be a way to express gratitude for our own experiences at the College, we mustn’t forget the value of supporting remarkable young leaders and equipping them to make ours a better world.

Barnard also continues to give back to us. As alums, we have the luxury of choice when it comes to staying involved with the College — no more required courses or homework! Whether you’re a new graduate or a seasoned alumna, there are many opportunities for you to find your next Barnard experience on

One more thing: Mark June 1-3 on your calendar for Barnard Reunion 2023. By then, I hope circumstances will allow us all to gather joyfully on Barnard’s campus for a fulfilling time together.



Amy Veltman ’89
AABC President
Alumnae Trustee

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