Barnard On the Road

Bringing the campus to your neighborhood

A Barnard education propels its graduates to every corner of the globe. For more than 15,000 Barnard alumnae who make their home outside of the New York City metro area, returning to campus regularly is difficult. For this reason, Alumnae Relations plans a season of events each year that aims to bring a bit of Barnard to these communities. The gatherings connect alumnae, parents, and friends to campus life, keep them up-to-date on College news, and acquaint them with Barnard’s brilliant faculty and accomplished administrators, as well as fellow alumnae in their communities.

Throughout the 2015-2016 academic year, over 500 alumnae turned out to hear featured speakers at events where alumnae engaged with each other and discussed an array of scholarly and topical subjects. The season kicked off with Barnard President Debora Spar’s visit to Dallas, where she met with alumnae at the Nasher Sculpture Center, a stunning art space.

3,000 Miles from Broadway: Barnard in the Entertainment Industry

In December, over 100 alumnae attended a panel discussion at The Paley Center for Media in Los Angeles. Alumnae from across generations enjoyed candid conversations about gender in Hollywood and, spurred by this gathering, area graduates formed a West Coast chapter of Barnard Women in Entertainment (BWE), a professional network for alumnae in all facets of the entertainment industry.


Barnard in Boston & Westchester with Professor Tina Campt

In February and April, alumnae gathered for receptions with Tina Campt, Barnard professor and director of the Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW). They enjoyed hearing about the thriving scholarship and activism at BCRW and various campus initiatives, including the Harlem Semester and this year’s Scholar and Feminist Conference. The events were held in the homes of Barnard Trustee Lois Champy ’67 in Boston and Sharon Dizenhuz ’83 in Westchester.


Barnard in San Francisco with Dean of the College Avis Hinkson ’84

In February, alumnae and guests attended a reception at Altman Siegel Gallery, owned and operated by Claudia Altman-Siegel ’95. Barnard Club of Northern California President Lisa Lin ’98 and Nikila Kakarla ’15 spoke about the lively Barnard community in the area and the new group for young alumnae in Silicon Valley, which Niki is spearheading in 2016.


Almost in Sight of Our Shores: Barnard in South Florida with Professor Nara Milanich

In March, Associate Professor of History Nara Milanich gave a talk titled “Almost in Sight of Our Shores: Rifts, Revolutions, and Rapprochement in the History of U.S.-Cuban Relations” to groups of alumnae in Palm Beach and Miami about the history of U.S.-Cuba Relations, and facilitated intimate discussions around the topic, which holds considerable meaning for alumnae in South Florida.


Peaceland: Barnard in Washington, D.C., with Professor Séverine Autesserre

In April, Associate Professor of Political Science Séverine Autesserre delivered a talk on her latest book, Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention , to a Barnard audience at the Dupont Circle Hotel. Autesserre spoke about her pioneering research on civil wars, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and African politics.


Foundations: Barnard on the Main Line (Philadelphia) with Provost Linda Bell

In May, Provost Linda Bell facilitated an engaging conversation on Foundations, the new Barnard curriculum, for a group of alumnae, friends, and incoming students at the home of Judith Meyer ’66. The event was an impactful connection of Barnard’s past, present, and future.


“Nothing can make you feel more at home when you land in a new or strange place as connecting with other Barnard alumnae,” says Pat Tinto ’76, Regional Networks Chair for the AABC. “I know when I found myself in a new city and state, the Barnard College Club of Fairfield County, Conn., embraced me and gave me a chance to plant new roots without eradicating the old ones.”

Exciting events such as these help plant those new roots. Supplementing the tremendous efforts of over 30 regional clubs across the country and around the world, each program offers a unique view of where Barnard has come from, where it is now, and where it is going. The College hopes to increase this engagement as a way to make sure that our home on Broadway is never out of the hearts and minds of all Barnard alumnae. •

Latest IssueSpring 2024

Boxer Zinnat Ferdous ’16 is aiming for Bangladesh’s first Olympic medal