Barnard’s Global Alumnae Community

Find a Barnard connection in your region

By Matt Hamilton

illustration of woman walking

Morningside Heights will always be the home of Barnard’s campus community, but our graduates have created Barnard-centric communities across the U.S. and around the world. In fact, over half of the College’s 36,000 alumnae reside outside the New York metro area, including roughly 2,000 who live abroad.

In nearly 40 cities and regions, volunteer-led alumnae clubs provide an array of programs and activities for their local Barnard networks. In addition to supporting these clubs, the College has been developing an increasingly robust regional engagement program to bring a bit of campus to our alumnae near and far. Recent events across the globe have featured presentations by faculty members, deans, distinguished alumnae, and others.

Peruse the list on the following page to find your local Barnard Club. If you’re interested in becoming involved, please contact your club leader(s). Alumnae in many areas, from Houston to Israel, are in the process of building and rebuilding clubs as well. If you don’t see a club in your region and are interested in starting one, please contact Elissa Verrilli ’11, manager of regional and international engagement via email or 646.745.8313. 

— Illustration by Jun Cen

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