Spring Comes, Barnard Flourishes


As the 2017–2018 academic year comes to a close and campus clears out, we look forward to many things that are blooming for Barnard. The Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning will open in just a few months; eight new members of the AABC Board of Directors will begin their terms on July 1; and President Beilock’s vision for the College is already making an impact. Even when class isn’t in session, there’s so much to reflect upon and look forward to at Barnard! I hope to see many of you at Reunion 2018, and as always, you can stay connected with the College and each other at our.barnard.edu. Thank you for your continued engagement with Barnard!

Jyoti Menon ’01, President, Alumnae Association of Barnard College

If you haven’t yet, I highly encourage looking back at the Inauguration of Sian Leah Beilock as the eighth president of Barnard College. See recap, remarks, and video.

You can also enjoy the excitement of Commencement 2018, including speeches from Anna Quindlen ’74, Rhea Suh ’92, and a keynote by soccer star and activist Abby Wambach.

Another new Regional Club to announce! The Barnard Club of Houston has recently been resurrected by PJ Douglas Sands ’98. See listing of all regional clubs.

Get a glimpse of enlightening discussions that Barnard professors engage in today with the new video series, From the Faculty Lounge.

Please take a moment to make a gift to Barnard before June 30. Your support helps ensure the College’s continued academic excellence. Give online at barnard.edu/gift or call 212.854.2520

Making travel plans for the summer? Use the Online Alumnae Directory to locate and reach out to your classmates for a Barnard catch-up session.

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