Last Image: Ode to Odesa

By Stephanie Franks

stephanie frank
Ode to Odesa, Oil on panel (24'' x 18''), 2022. Photo courtesy Stephanie Frank ’76

“My grandfather spent his childhood in Odesa. His family members were apparently all murdered in the late 19th century by Russian Cossacks because they were Jewish. He managed to escape around the age of 13. He eventually settled in Vancouver, Canada, where he started the first synagogue. I have never been to Ukraine, but I feel it is somewhere housed in my DNA. I deeply admire the strength and bravery of the people there in the face of their current horrific situation. Ode to Odesa is mainly made up of blues and yellows, and while it is not the same blue as the Ukrainian flag, it is close enough for me. This work is a celebration of the spirit of the Ukrainian people and their country.”

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