Taking Bold Steps

As I write this letter, the Class of 2020 is settling in, and I know you join me in welcoming our future alumnae to the Barnard community, as we did at Convocation, a symbol of the connection between Barnard students and alumnae.

Throughout the summer, alumnae leaders were busy planning Leadership Assembly and the launch of the new alumnae website, as well as a range of other events and programs. Alumnae attended gatherings at Barnard and in their regions, including sendoff events for new students hosted by regional clubs. On campus, Barnard’s Professional and Leadership Development Committee (PLDC) hosted a storytelling event in July attended by over 70 alumnae and friends. In the words of one alumna, “The storytelling workshop was fabulous! I got so much out of it. Thanks for organizing it. Just wanted to let you know!”

I am excited to share with you that PLDC will be offering three programs this year under the theme “Taking Bold Steps.”

“Building a Bold Network: Strategies and Skills for Leveraging the Power of a Diverse and Ambitious Network,” sponsored in conjunction with The Young Alumni Board Committee, on Wednesday, November 16.

“Women on Boards,” bringing together members of corporate, non-profit, and start-up boards to discuss the topic of women on boards, specifically what it takes and how you need to prepare yourself to be selected and serve as an effective board member, scheduled for February or March.

“Facing your Fears: How to Take Risks and Make a Difference in Your Career and Personal Life,” scheduled for June.

These events will offer alumnae the opportunity to continue to “Take Bold Steps” to enable their professional growth, enhance their development, and expand their network. On Tuesday, November 15, the Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW) will present “Activism in Context: An Intergenerational Dialogue on Organizing in the Shadow of the 2016 Elections.” This panel will feature Katherine Brewster and Janet Price, both Class of 1971. For more information on events, visit barnard.edu or our.barnard.edu.

Given our goal of bringing Barnard closer to all alumnae, regardless of location, I hope many of you participated in Alumnae Relations’ “Summer School” program, which offered recorded programs for your virtual participation. If not, I encourage you to go to Alumnae Relations’ YouTube channel  to watch lectures, alumnae/author presentations, and reunion events. For instance, you can virtually attend:

“Putin and After,” a lecture by Barnard Professor Kimberly Marten, hosted by Project Continuum

“It All Comes Back to Barnard: Live Alumnae Storytelling at Reunion 2016”

An evening with author Cecily Wong ’10, with a reading and discussion of her debut novel, Diamond Head , hosted by the Young Alumnae Committee

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead filled with opportunities to connect with alumnae, students, and faculty, and giving back to the college.

Terry Newman ’79

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