New Faces of Faculty

The group represents diverse teaching and research interests

By Lois Elfman ’80

Eight new faculty members with diverse expertise—from chemistry to sociology—enhanced course offerings and expanded the scope of research on campus this fall. Rachel Austin joins Barnard’s faculty after 20 years as a professor at Bates College in Maine. Her laboratory has a longstanding interest in understanding the mechanisms of metalloproteins and green chemistry. Also joining the chemistry department is Christina Vizcarra who received her PhD from Caltech; she comes to Barnard following a NIH post-doctoral fellowship. Development economics, political economy, and environmental economics, with an African regional focus, are Belinda Archibong’s area of research. Anja Tolonen has experience as a consultant at the World Bank, and has been a visiting researcher at the University of California-Berkeley and the University of Oxford. Andrew Lipman’s interests include early America, the Atlantic world, Native Americans, and environmental history. Eduardo Moncada is a political scientist who studies the factors shaping the dynamics of urban violence. Mignon Moore investigates the sociology of family, race, gender, sexuality, aging, and adolescence. Gale Kenny, teaching at Barnard since 2010 as a term assistant professor, focuses her research on Protestant missionaries, race, and social activism. She became an assistant professor this year.

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