New Beginnings

From the AABC president

Sooji with Jyoti Menon ’01 (center) and Mary Ann LoFrumento ’77 (right)
Sooji with Jyoti Menon ’01 (center) and Mary Ann LoFrumento ’77 (right)

Dear Brave, Bold, Beautiful Barnard Family,

I hope that 2024 has been joyous and filled with all things bright.

We officially welcomed President Laura Rosenbury at her inauguration in February, after a weeklong series of opportunities for the College community to come together in celebration of all the amazing people and endeavors that make Barnard. We reflected, connected, laughed, cheered, and we even danced!

A few days before the inauguration, I received some very sad news about a childhood friend who’d passed away at the age of 55 years young. Amidst my day — jam-packed with board meetings, a luncheon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, work, and the need to find a dress for the evening’s pre-inauguration gathering — life forced me to pause and refocus on what brings me joy….

I stopped everything and took the next hour to reflect on my “Why?” Am I “living my best life today with kindness and passion,” as my LinkedIn profile states? Did I text my three sons and tell them that I love them? Was I making a difference as president of the AABC? And did I encourage and support someone this morning?

I concluded that if I hadn’t yet, it was time to start! To my fearless Barnard family, as we look to the year ahead, where will we dedicate our time, talent, energy, and resources to steward the world we want to live in?

There are so many ways that we can have an impact on the future of our Barnard community: Please vote for our classmates this spring in the Alumnae Association of Barnard College Elections at Your voices, and our representation, are what make this community a stronger one.

Next, please pencil in these signature gatherings: the Barnard Annual Gala on April 15 ( and Reunion 2024, May 30 – June 1 ( These are two fabulous and fun ways to engage with our community, and each offers numerous opportunities to get involved.

I want to thank all of my friends who showed up for Barnard in ways I admire over the fall and winter — and especially for President Rosenbury’s inauguration. I am grateful for your dedication — be it as a volunteer, donor, or attendee, and I loved having the opportunity to spend time with many of you in person: from the joyous Young Alum Night at the Plaza to Leadership Assembly 2023 and regional and class-focused gatherings. They were definitely some of the brightest moments of the past year!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you do to make our Barnard community truly inspiring and unique. I look forward to seeing you all soon, in person or online, and until then, I wish you a beautiful year, full of infinite opportunities!

With gratitude and hugs,

Sooji Park ’90

AABC President, Alumnae Trustee

Sooji Signature
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