When should a student begin preparing for life after college? According to experts at Beyond Barnard, the first day of a student’s first year is not too early. And for alumnae, it’s never too late to think about new work and study options. Beyond Barnard offers a one-stop shop for career services, graduate and professional school preparation, research, and fellowships for students and alumnae alike. Here’s a quick look at the group’s first year on the job.
4+1 Programs
• Mailman School of Public Health — arts, humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences majors
• Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science — chemistry, biology, biochemistry, economics, statistics, mathematics, or computer science majors, with more pathways being developed
• School of International and Public Affairs — any major with appropriate prerequisite coursework
• Graduate School of Arts and Sciences — any major with appropriate prerequisite coursework. Focus areas: Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS); Oral History; Harriman Institute
(Beyond Barnard and faculty provide administration and advisement for 4+1 Programs.)

More than 700 Alumnae volunteer in the Beyond Barnard mentoring program to answer on-demand questions from students.
From recent grads just beginning their job search to midcareer professionals in need of a surge or senior-level executives looking for a career change, alumnae around the world can take advantage of Beyond Barnard’s lifelong career services. The numbers through December 2018:
3,000 |
1,500 |
161 |
275 |
61 |
advising engagements |
individuals served by advising | Summer Research Institute students | total paid summer opportunities offered | employers at Fall 2018 Opportunities Fair |

Faculty-Driven Programs
The Summer Research Institute invites students to conduct scientific research for 10 weeks with a faculty member.
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship encourages students with a demonstrated commitment to racial diversity to pursue academic careers.
The Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship is a one-year, career-learning experience for recent alumnae, who report to a faculty director.
Eight students and Alumnae Honored in 2018:
6 Fulbright scholars
1 Schwarzman scholar
1 Pickering fellow

We really needed a one-stop shop where students could go to think about their experiences at Barnard outside the classroom, whether it was internships, fellowships, or work-study and a pathway from that to what was next after their time at Barnard.
- President Sian Leah Beilock, The New York Times, Nov. 2, 2018
Beyond Barnard Offers support for students applying to research Fellowships, including but not limited to:
- Fulbright Scholarship
- Hertz Fellowship
- James Madison Fellowship
- Knight-Hennessy Scholarship
- National Physical Science Consortium
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Rabin-Shvidler Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Rhodes Scholarship
- Schwarzman Scholarship
- Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Fellowship
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship
- Foreign Affairs Fellowship