A headshot of professor Neferti Xina Tadiar


On July 15, 2022, Neferti X. M. Tadiar, professor of women's, gender & sexuality studies, published a new book, titled "Remaindered Life," that offers a new framework for viewing the dynamics of global capitalism maintained through permanent imperial war.

Tadiar focuses on what she terms “remaindered life,” which are practices of living that exceed the distinction between life worth living and life worth expending. By tracking how contemporary capitalist accumulation depends on producing lifetimes of disposability, Tadiar reinterprets the global significance and genealogy of the surplus life-making practices of domestic and service migrant workers. Retelling the story of globalization from the side of those who reach beyond dominant protocols of living, Tadiar demonstrates how attending to remaindered life can open up another horizon of possibility for a radical remaking of our present global mode of life.