Dear Students,

I am writing to touch base with you as you work through your exams. On Wednesday, you received an email from VP Catallozzi who shared changes the College is making in light of the evolving COVID-19 landscape.  

I want to let you know that we have strongly recommended that faculty pivot to online exams. Given the increased rates of COVID-19 in New York City, we encourage you to depart campus when your exams are completed or if you know they will be online. 

Please reach out to your class dean if you have any questions or need assistance in finalizing your semester work, exams, and assessments as you are adjusting your travel plans. If any students need support due to travel arrangement changes (financial or otherwise), please complete the Supplemental Academic Support Application. 

Please remember, especially when you are in shared and study spaces, to stay masked and wash your hands frequently. The College is closely monitoring the situation and since things are subject to change, we will continue to communicate any updates as appropriate. We are here to support you as you finish out the semester and move into winter break.


Dean Grinage