Christine smiling, wearing classes, blue blouse and navy blue sweater against a mixed background

Christine Valenza Shin

Executive Director of Beyond Barnard

Christine Valenza Shin '84 is the Executive Director of Beyond Barnard, overseeing both short and long term planning for the office's work on advising and programming, partnerships and employer relations, and communications and operations. She advises students and alums on all career and graduate school related matters. Christine is a New Hampshire native and Barnard graduate who majored in history and minored in education. Early in her career, Christine was a NYC public school teacher, and then an instructor in Barnard’s Education Program. She joined Barnard Career Development (now Beyond Barnard) in 2012. She completed a Certificate in Career Planning and Development at New York University in 2013, and is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and Strong Interest Inventory® career assessments.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Even as I have taken on more and more administrative responsibilities, my favorite part of the job is advising students and alums, especially in the areas of career exploration and job search. I’m always curious to hear where a person is regarding their career thoughts and trajectory, and enjoy supporting them as they explore and refine their next steps. I especially love seeing some anxiety fall away as they learn that there’s a process and that they can create a plan that works for them.