María Rivera Maulucci
Urban Studies, Education
Office Hours
María S. Rivera Maulucci, Professor of Education, joined the faculty of Barnard in 2004. She is a proud member of the Class of 1988 at Barnard and serves as Co-Fund Chair. Prior to coming to Barnard, María served as Director of the Science Professional Development Center for Region One in the Bronx. Her expertise in science pedagogy and teacher education draws on 16 years of experience teaching at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. Her interdisciplinary scholarship focuses on how teachers learn to teach for social justice and the role of language, identity, and emotions in teacher development. Professor Rivera is the Principal Investigator for the Barnard College Robert Noyce Teacher Education Scholars Program (BNTSP) funded by the National Science Foundation.
- BS, Barnard College, Columbia University
- MFS, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
- M.Phil, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
- Urban Education
- Science Education and Pedagogy
- Qualitative Research and Evaluation
- Science in the City I: Science Content and Pedagogical Methods
- Science in the City II: Preparing Future Scientists Now
- Arts & Humanities in the City
- Student Teaching in Urban Schools
- Critical Inquiry into Urban Teaching
- Urban School Practicum
- Secondary Multicultural Pedagogy
- Contemporary Issues in Education
- Performance Assessment of Teaching
- Barnard College Emily Gregory Teaching Award (2018)
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching Equity and Ethics Scholar (2007)
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching
- Association for Science Teacher Education
- American Educational Research Association
- National Science Teachers Association
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Rivera Maulucci, M. S., Edstrom, L. (2015, April). Making the extracurricular the curricular: Rethinking how technology is used in schools. STEM Colloquium: Barnard Noyce Teacher Scholars Program. Barnard College, New York, NY.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2015, April). Panel Discussion: Becoming next generation science educators in an era of global science education: An equity perspective. Equity & Ethics Committee Pre-Conference Workshop. National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2015, April). Strand 6: Science Learning in Informal Contexts Symposium - When the informal becomes formal in the higher education preparation of science teachers. National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S., Abaraoha, J., Cutler, A. P. Selby, J., & Banks, S. (2015, February). Integrating science and engineering in elementary classrooms. STEM Colloquium: Barnard Noyce teacher Scholars Program. Barnard College, New York, NY.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. and Mensah, F. M. (2015, February). Workshop: Teaching for social justice in science education: Possibilities for NYC schools. Scholar Feminist Conference, Barnard College, New York, NY.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2014, October). Workshop: A professional development model for hosting a family engineering night. Northeast Regional Meeting: Association for Science Teacher Education. Teachers College, New York, NY.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2014, October). Founders Day Panel: New York at Barnard, a faculty panel with Brian Mailloux (Environmental Science) on “Everything New Yorkers Need to Know About Water but ...;”Krista McGuire (Biological Sciences) on “NYC: A Microbial Metropolis;” Maria Rivera Maulucci (Education) on “Learning with NYC’s Teachers;” moderated by Hilary Callahan (Biological Sciences). Barnard College, New York, NY.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2014, April). Discussant: Teacher development for urban schools: From pre-service to induction to teacher leadership. A roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2014, March). Navigating structure and agency in a textbook-based science unit. A paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2014, March). Exploring teachers’ identity development: The role of affirmations and challenges in transforming science pedagogy. A paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S., Edstrom, L., Meck, K., and Massmann, A. (2014, March). Barnard College Noyce Teacher Scholars Program. A poster presented at the Annual Noyce Regional Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2015). Fostering structurally transformative teacher agency through science professional development. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52, 545-559.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. & Mensah, F. (2015). Editorial: Naming ourselves and others. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52, 1-5.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S., Brown, B., Gray, S., & Sullivan, S. (2014). Promoting equity in science education through critical science inquiry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51, 1119-1149.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2013). Emotions and positional identity in becoming a social justice science teacher: Nicole’s story. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(4): 453-478.
Hagiwara, S., Rivera Maulucci, M. S., Ramos, S. L. (2011). Forum: Reflections on urban science teacher-student self-efficacy dynamics. Cultural Studies of Science Education. 6(4): 999-1018.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2011). Language experience narratives: Linking identity, language, power, and emotions in becoming an urban science teacher. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6(2): 413-434.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. & Brotman, J. S. (2010). Teaching science in the city: Exploring linkages between teacher learning and student learning across formal and informal contexts. The New Educator, 6: 196-211.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2010). Commentary: Excavating silences and tensions of agency|passivity in science education reform. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 985-991.
Resisting the marginalization of science in an urban school: Coactivating social, cultural, materials, and strategic resources. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(7), 840-860.
Snow, J. and Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2017). You can give a bee some water but you cannot make her drink: A socioscientific approach to honey bees in science education. In M. P. Mueller, D. Tippins, & A. J. Stewart (Eds.). Animals in Science Education. New York: Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. and *Fann. K. T. (2016). Teaching for social justice in science education: Helping a new teacher develop a social justice identity. In L. Avraamidou (Ed.). Studying science teacher identity: Theoretical, methodological, and empirical explorations. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. *Barnard alumna
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2013). Re-Imagining the goals of science education: What role should assessment play? In M. P. Mueller, D. J. Tippins, & A. J. Stewart (Eds.) A guide to school policy and legislation in science education: Assessing schools for Generation R (Responsibility). New York: Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. & Moore Mensah, F. (2012). NARST Equity and Ethics Committee: Mentoring scholars of color in the organization and in the academy. In Bianchini, J., Akerson, V. A., Calabrese Barton, A., Lee, O., & Rodriguez, A. J. (Eds.) New York: Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2012). Exploring linkages between identity and emotions in science teacher education. In M. Varelas (Ed.) Identity construction and science education research: Learning, teaching, and being in multiple contexts. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2012) Social justice research in science education: Positioning, methodologies, and implications for future research. In Fraser, Barry J.; Tobin, Kenneth; McRobbie, Campbell (Eds.) Second international handbook of science education. New York: Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2010). Invoking the sacred: Reflections on implications of ecojustice for science education. In Tippins, D. J., Mueller, M. P., van Eijck, M., & Adams, J. D. (Eds.) Cultural Studies and Environmentalism: The Confluence of ecoJustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems. New York: Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2010). “Becoming an urban science teacher: Teacher learning as the collective performance of conceptions.” In W. M. Roth & K. Tobin (Eds.) Re/structuring science education: Reuniting sociological and psychological perspectives. Springer International.
Rivera Maulucci, M. S. (2009). “Teaching for social justice in urban science education: Margins, centers, and questions of fit.” In W. M Roth & K Tobin, (Eds.). World of science education: North America (pp. 491-511). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
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