Money Matters
Money Matters

Financial Considerations for Study Abroad
All Barnard students continue to pay Barnard tuition while on study abroad. Financial aid students also continue to receive financial aid. Read through the information below for more details.
Tuition and Cost
While on study abroad students remained fully enrolled Barnard students and continue to pay Barnard tuition as well as a study abroad fee and an off-campus comprehensive fee. If a student remains enrolled in the student health plan, this cost will also appear on their Barnard bill. Students will not be billed for on-campus housing* or Barnard meal plan during the semester they are abroad. *Students must adhere to the established Barnard housing cancellation deadline in order to to avoid incurring the late cancellation fee.
Students should be aware of each of the following costs associated with their program:
Program application fee: Some programs may require an application fee. For students with high financial need, programs are often willing to waive or reduce the application fee. If an application fee is required, students should ensure this is applied to their non-tuition fees (i.e. housing) only, not the tuition fee.
Program deposit: Some programs may require a deposit to as part of the enrollment process. For students with high financial need, programs may be willing to reduce the deposit amount. If a deposit is required, students should ensure this is applied to their non-tuition fees (i.e. housing) only, not the tuition fee. Be sure to read carefully through the program withdrawal policy as Barnard is not responsible for any program withdrawal fees or lost deposits.
Program tuition fee: Students continue to pay Barnard tuition on study abroad. The program tuition bill will be received and processed by the bursar once the student has settled their Barnard semester bill.
Program non-tuition fees: These may include housing, meal plan, insurance fee, excursion fee, program fee, etc. These costs will be billed to students directly by the program or university.
Out of pocket expenses: The following are examples of items which will not appear on a bill, but students should be prepared to pay for out of pocket before and during their time abroad: visa fees, round trip airfare, local transportation, entertainment, weekend excursions, toiletries, etc.
Financial Aid
Students who receive financial aid continue to be eligible for all state, federal, and institutional financial aid during their time abroad. The Financial Aid Office works with each student individually to adjust their financial aid budget and ensure they understand the cost of their program. Financial aid will be put first toward the Barnard tuition bill; any aid in excess of that amount may be refunded to the student in order to cover non-tuition fees and/or out of pocket costs. If a student is eligible for a refund, they must submit a request to the bursar to receive these funds. All financial aid students are required to meet with their financial aid advisor during the semester prior to departure in order to be approved to study abroad.
Barnard grants cannot be increased to cover higher living expenses abroad--though students are eligible to borrow increased amounts for additional living expenses. In addition, work-study students will not lose this funding, though they will not be required to work while abroad.
See Financial Aid for Study Abroad Students for more information.
Working Abroad
Student visa restrictions often prohibit students from legally working while abroad. Visa regulations vary widely by country and students should not expect to work during their time abroad. The program should provide more information if on campus work is available. Meet with Beyond Barnard prior to departure for more information on any possible work options abroad.
Many study abroad providers, such as CIEE, DIS, IES, IFSA, School for Field Studies (SFS), and SIT, offer scholarship opportunities to study through their programs. Scholarship applications are usually available at the end of the regular program application.
Below is a short list of study abroad awards to help students begin their search. Please note, each scholarship has its own eligibility criteria and deadline. Many scholarship deadlines land before program application deadlines. Mark your calendar and begin work on scholarship applications early.
National Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships
Boren Scholarships support U.S. undergraduate students studying abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Easter Europe, Eurasia, Latin America and the Middle East. Preference is given to undergraduate applications proposing a full-year academic study. Summer-only programs are limited to science, technology, engineering and mathematics students. As a condition of funding, all Boren Scholars must agree to work in the Federal Government in a position with national security responsibilities for one year within three years of graduation. Awards range from $8,000 for summer study, $10,000 for a semester and up to $20,000 for an academic year. The on-campus deadline for this scholarship is around early January and the national deadline is usually in early February. Interested students should look at the Boren website and contact the Beyond Barnard office for more information.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
Contact Gilman advisor, Krista Rockholt in Barnard Global
This award provides undergraduate students of limited financial means the opportunity to pursue academic studies abroad. Applicants must be Pell Grant Recipients. The scholarship awards up to $5,000 for U.S. students to study abroad for up to one academic year. Students who receive the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad are eligible to receive an additional $3,000 Critical Need Language Supplement from the Gilman Scholarship Program, for a total possible award of up to $8,000. The deadline every year for the spring semester is around early October and it is in early March for the fall and full-year programs. Interested students who are Pell Grant recipients should contact the Barnard Global office in early September or late January, depending on their study abroad plans. Applications and more information can be obtained on the Gilman website.
Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project for Study Abroad in Japan: Recipients receive a stipend of $2,500 (for semester-long programs) or $4,000 (for academic year programs). Undergraduates majoring in any field are eligible. No prior language required. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association: Each year BUTEX awards eight scholarships to students studying in the UK for either a semester or for a whole academic year. The value of each scholarship is £500 and will be paid to the winners once they have arrived and registered at their host university.
Critical Language Scholarships: CLS provide group-based summer intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for eight to ten weeks. CLS institute dates are posted once finalized, but the institutes generally begin within the first three weeks in June, and end within the first three weeks in August. All CLS program costs are covered for scholarship recipients. This includes travel between the student's US home city and program location, mandatory pre-departure orientation costs, applicable visa fees, room, board, program-sponsored travel within country, and all entrance fees for program activities. Please note that U.S. passport fees will not be paid by the scholarship, and students will be required to travel to and from his or her US home city and the airport for CLS Program travel.
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst: DAAD offers a wide range of opportunities to students, scholars, and higher education institutions of the United States and Canada, from undergraduate students to faculty, for study and research in Germany.
Diversity Abroad Scholarships: Search the Diversity Abroad scholarship database. Barnard is a Diversity Abroad member.
FLAS Scholarships: The FLAS Fellowship competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students of Columbia University and Barnard College who are U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents who are enrolled in a full-time program(either domestic or overseas) that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies. The FLAS award offers fellowship assistance to meritorious students undergoing beginning, intermediate, or advanced training in modern foreign languages with concentrations in related international or area studies. Undergraduates students must be at the intermediate or advanced level of language proficiency and can apply for a Less Commonly Taught Language, except French German and Spanish.
Fund for Education Abroad: FEA is committed to increasing opportunities for dedicated American students to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs by reducing financial restrictions through the provision of grants and scholarships. They are independent non-profit organization with a board comprised of study abroad professionals and other supporters of international education from around the country. Scholarships are $5,000 per semester or $10,000 for the year and are not limited to specific programs, destinations, or fields of study - however - FEA gives priority to underrepresented students (including but not limited to minorities, students planning to study in non-traditional destinations and community college students). Please note: Unlike many other scholarship programs, FEA asks our scholars to apply one year in advance of their academic abroad year.
Society of Teachers of French and Francophone America: SPFFA welcomes all French teachers or teachers interested in research or activities that involve the use of the French language. The SPFFA has several scholarships or research which are awarded annually to students who wish to continue their work in France or Quebec. The Exchange Dufrenoy is aimed at students of scientific disciplines; the Marandon Scholarships are open to different types of students and researchers specializing in literature, humanities, or the arts. Scholarships in Quebec allow students to attend a session of summer school in a Quebec university.
MASA Israel: Grants for study abroad in Israel at affiliated universities.
Upper Midwest Rebild Scholarship Corporation: This program supports U.S. university students who study abroad in Denmark, with the aim of helping to strengthen the cultural and friendship ties between our two countries. This award, up to $3,000, supports a student of Danish background or one who has demonstrated a strong interest and commitment to Denmark and "matters Danish". The application, along with detailed criteria, timing and instructions, is available at the link above, and is open to US citizens or permanent residents attending any U.S. college or university, registered to study abroad in Denmark for a minimum of one semester/trimester.