Nondiscrimination and Harassment Resolution Process
Anyone who has experienced or learned of potentially discriminatory and harassing behavior is encouraged to report these incidents. Discrimination and harassment in the context of this resolution process is defined within the Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment (“Policy”), and confirms such discrimination is prohibited by the College in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. The Nondiscrimination and Harassment Resolution Process is applicable when the Director determines the Title IX Formal Grievance Process is inapplicable or offenses subject to the Title IX Formal Grievance Process have been dismissed, OR the alleged behavior is discrimination or harassment related to another protected status under the Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment.
Barnard College will act on any formal or informal allegation or notice of violation of the policy Against Discrimination and Harassment that is received by the Director of Nondiscrimination and Title IX or a member of the administration, faculty, or other employee, with the exception of confidential resources, as articulated in the Policy.
The procedures described below apply to all allegations of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation on the basis of protected class status involving students, staff, faculty members, or third parties. Unionized or other categorized employees may also be subject to the terms of their respective collective bargaining agreements/employees’ rights. These procedures may also be used to address or resolve collateral misconduct arising from the investigation of or occurring in conjunction with harassing, discriminatory, or retaliatory conduct (e.g., vandalism, or physical abuse of another). All other allegations of misconduct unrelated to incidents covered by this Policy will be addressed through the procedures elaborated in the respective student, faculty, and staff handbooks. Reports may be received from information reports from Community Safety, supervisors, or other College staff, or may come directly from an individual bringing forward a specific complaint or witnessed behavior. Individuals who believe they have experienced or observed discrimination or harassment may consult with the Director of Nondiscrimination and Title IX to discuss their concern or initiate a report.
The College also takes steps to address the effects of discriminatory action on Complainants and the College community. Inquiries regarding the Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment can be addressed to the Office of Nondiscrimination and Title IX at
This link provides a PDF file of the Nondiscrimination and Harassment Resolution Process