
Congratulations to all students and faculty who participated in the 2021 Summer Research Institute! The Lida Orzeck '68 SRI Poster Session is a celebration of your hard work, and of the dynamic and diverse STEM community that comprises the SRI.

**Click here to enter the 2021 Lida Orzeck '68 SRI Poster Session**

A master list of posters is available in the venue and is linked here.


  • 12:30-1PM: we invite students to visit each other's posters and get acclimated to the virtual venue
  • 1-1:10PM: opening remarks from Barnard Provost and Dean of the Faculty Linda Bell, as well as Faculty Co-Director and Barnard Psychology Professor Koleen McCrink
  • 1-3PM: we invite guests to visit posters throughout the virtual venue. If you have questions about using the platform, please visit the virtual help desk, or email
  • 2:45PM: concluding remarks from Faculty Co-Director and Barnard Chemistry Professor Marisa Buzzeo
  • 3-4PM: we invite students to continue to visit each other's posters and get a sense of the work that has been completed this summer.

Navigating the Lida Orzeck '68 SRI Poster Session

The 2021 SRI poster session is being held in a virtual conference area on Gather.Town. It works just like an in-person poster session: posters will be spread out around rooms with presenters standing by them. Each discipline has a room or two; their doors are labeled as such. When you enter the room, you can walk over to a poster and view it in full size by pressing ‘x'. The poster presenter and other guests will automatically appear on your screen to tell you about their work and answer questions. When you are done, you can walk to a different poster or choose to leave the room. If you are close to another user, their video will automatically come into view for you.

Tips for Attending

  • You must use a PC or Mac (not a phone)
  • Use your full, real name for your avatar
  • Turn on your microphone and your camera (if possible)
  • There is a limit of 500 users in the room at any time.
  • If you cannot log in, the room may be full so please try again in a few minutes.
  • Navigate using the arrow keys on your keyboard
  • Change your avatar by clicking the "change character" button on the left side of the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  • To view a poster, move your avatar to the colored dots underneath it and press the X key
  • Keep in mind that, just like in a real conference room, people who stand near you can potentially overhear your conversation!
  • Looking for someone special? You can see a list of each student and their poster number by the door of each room (marked “info”).

Thank You to Supporters of the Summer Research Institute

Special thanks to Lida Orzeck '68, for her unwavering commitment to students and scholarship at Barnard. 

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Bank of New York Mellon
The Bernice G. Segal Summer Research Internships Fund
Bridgewater Investments
The Class of '59 Internship Fund
Consolidated Edison
Craig Newmark Philanthropies
The Donald and Nancy Ritchie Fund
Dr. Joanne Sacks '80, The Drs. Shirley K. '47 and Leonard S. Sacks Fund for the Summer Science Research Institute
Environmental Science Student Research Fund
The Golden Family Summer Research Institute Fund
Google, Inc.
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Laura J. Sloate '66, The Hermione Foundation STEM Fund
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Institute Internship Program
The Lida Orzeck '68 Summer Research Institute Fund
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
The Sally Chapman Fund
The Semaan Family SRI Support Fund
Sherman Fairchild Foundation
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
United States Food and Drug Administration

Students in the Histories of the Present seminar turned their remote course into an opportunity to research their local communities for their senior thesis projects.