Summer Faculty-Led Programs
Summer Faculty-Led Programs

Acting in Paris, Summer 2025: The Barnard-Columbia Acting in Paris program is an intensive Acting class taught by Barnard faculty member Gisela Cardenas that focuses on the practical study of key Contemporary French theatre practitioners. Functioning in tandem with the Translating Theatre Workshop, the course will practice the acting ideas acquired through the performance of new translations of French plays. Both classes will attend performances of the plays selected to understand further how the body, language, and ensemble work operates to create meaning on stage.
Translating Theatre Workshop, Paris, France, Summer 2025: In this Barnard-Columbia collaborative program, students will work collaboratively on translating French plays into English with Barnard faculty member Laurie Postlewate, a foremost practitioner. The class will attend productions of the plays in Paris as a way of exploring the conditions, possibilities, and limits that performance presents to theatre translation. And, finally, the resulting translations will be performed by the students in the partner course, Acting in Paris
Dance in Paris, Summer 2025: Led by Barnard faculty member Colleen Thomas-Young in conjunction with USF faculty member Michael Foley, this annual four-week intensive course of study in Paris is a unique opportunity for serious dancers and choreographers to live and dance in one of the world’s greatest cities. This Program offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience for dance majors to expand their historical, cultural and performance-based knowledge through exposure to the rich tradition of dance in the French capital.

Sustainable Communities in Ecuador, Summer 2024: The proposed course is designed to provide students with a unique one-to-one interaction with Spanish native speakers in three different sites: the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest Reservation of Papallacta, the Indigenous Reservation of Cotacachi, and the Runatupari Indigenous Community in the Andean Region of Ecuador. Students will explore and document the work some indigenous groups have been doing since the new constitution was approved back in 2008 and will work hand in hand when possible with women community leaders at the different sites. Access a recording of the informaton session for the program here.

Vienna Experience: Culture History, Language, Not running Summer 2025: A four-week advanced language and culture program for students to expand their German-language skills by exploring Austrian culture, history, and politics in one of Europe's most diverse cities.