New Initiatives Launched on Diversity and Inclusion

Illustration of people reading books
Illustration by Karolin Schnoor

In an effort to maintain and develop the College’s climate of diversity, inclusion, equity, and understanding, Barnard will implement several initiatives in the next few months that were presented by the Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, which was convened in January 2016 by former President Debora Spar. The Board of Trustees expressed its support for these initiatives in March:

  • A campus-wide Diversity Council will be created to support and promote ongoing diversity initiatives, events, and lectures, including a book or film series on diversity-related topics and town hall meetings.
  • A Staff Council will be formed to provide a formal means of communication among all levels of staff and the senior administration.
  • The Campus Services Office will set parameters and goals for selecting Minority and Women Based Enterprises (“MWBE”) in its hiring of contractors and independent consultants.
  • The Campus Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees will create a standing agenda item going forward that focuses on issues of campus diversity and inclusion.
  • Barnard will offer the Ann and Andrew Tisch Scholarship for Refugee Women. Generously supported by a gift from the Ann and Andrew Tisch family, the proceeds from this scholarship will allow the College to provide support to students whose education has been interrupted as a result of war, persecution, conflict, natural disaster, or crisis. The fund will cover the full financial needs of the recipients, including tuition, room, board, books, travel, and stipends for co-curricular activities.

Several other recommendations will fall largely to the next administration to consider and implement:

  • A new administrative position for a Chief Diversity Officer.
  • Up to 10 additional faculty of color in the College’s tenured and tenure-track ranks.
  • A Center for Academic Success and Excellence to provide additional support for diverse students.

To read the full statement, click here

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