Dear Members of the Barnard Community, 

Earlier this morning, the College was horrified to learn that a dumpster delivered to Claremont Avenue outside the Milstein Center had swastikas painted on it.  The swastikas were on display for almost two hours before we were alerted to their presence.

The College took immediate steps to cover and remove this repugnant graffiti.  We also determined, through the review of security footage, that the dumpster arrived with the graffiti and was not defaced on our campus.  Going forward, we will more frequently monitor all construction equipment delivered to Barnard.
Antisemitic symbols and other forms of bigotry and discrimination have no place on our campus or in our society.  We are deeply committed to ensuring that Barnard is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for our entire community. 

Very truly yours, 

Laura Ann Rosenbury
President, Barnard College