The following email was released to students on Friday, September 8, 2017.

Dear Barnard Students,

Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced that the Department intends to develop new regulations to govern how colleges and universities respond to reports of sexual harassment and sexual assault under Title IX. Nothing is expected to change before the Department has conducted an extensive process of review and public comment. During this period, Barnard’s policies and practices in this area remain the same and will be carried out as dictated by existing state and federal regulations.

Whether or not federal requirements change in the future, Barnard College will remain strongly committed to providing a safe environment free from violence. We will continue to respond promptly and thoroughly to reports of sexual assault and misconduct.

It is also important to note that New York state regulations governing these matters are the strictest in the nation, so much so that they exceed the existing federal guidance. Based on statements from Governor Cuomo and other public officials, we do not anticipate state policy will change.

We would also like to remind you of the resources available on campus and encourage you to seek support as needed.  

Resources include:

Please also feel free to consult the College’s Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment and related procedures at


Avis Hinkson
Dean of the College

Molree Williams-Lendor
Executive Director for Equity
Title IX Coordinator