Forms and Policies
Forms and Policies
Required Forms
All faculty submitting applications/proposals for outside funding must submit application materials along with the grant or fellowship routing form and budget to the Manager or Director of Sponsored Research before submission to funder.
Grant Acceptance Form
Fellowship Acceptance Form
Budget Template
Our federally negotiated Indirect Cost (also called Facilities and Administration, or F&A) Rate is 64.9% on all salary and wages for grants received on or after July 1, 2015
Barnard Policies for the Administration of Federally Sponsored Grants
All federally funded researchers of Barnard College must review and adhere to the following policies:
Policy on Records Retention for Sponsored Research, Grants, External Support Records
Policy on Budget Revision Approval Process for Federal Grants
Policy on Budget and Expenditure Monitoring and Correcting Cost Overruns
Policy on Determining Allowability, Reasonableness and Allocability of Costs for Sponsored Projects
Policy for Ensuring Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (Updated July 2023)
Fly America Act and Open Skies Agreements for faculty traveling on federally sponsored grants
Financial Conflict of Interest
All faculty submitting applications to the Federal Government must review and complete a Financial Conflict of Interest Report. Please send completed electronic or hard copy files to the Manager or Director of Sponsored Research before proposal submission.
Financial Conflict of Interest Policy for Federal Research Grants
Financial Conflict of Interest Report for Federal Research Grants
For all applicants to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), please review the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity in NASA-Assisted Programs and Activities policy booklet as well as the NASA Policy Statement on Antidiscrimination in NASA Conducted or Funded Programs, Activities, and Institutions.
More Information
Once you have received external or internal grant funding, the Post-Award Grant Spending document can help guide you on different types of grant expenditure and how to process payments.
For information on consultants and purchasing equipment please visit the Barnard Purchasing Webpage.
Policy Regarding Leaves of Absence for Faculty with Grants and Fellowships
For more information on resources the College provides to support faculty research, please see the Provost's Research & Professional Development page.