Blog post #2 by Rebecca Wernick

Test tubes with samples in a rack
Samples drawn from a new patient who is being screened for one of our research studies.


As the summer has progressed, I have begun a retrospective review of patients who have previously participated in the prehabilitation program before the research arm was opened. As part of the process, I learned how to draft and submit an amendment to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Furthermore, I have defined specific questions that my arm of the study aims to address. I have started identifying specific data points as well as appropriate statistical tests for analysis that will contribute to the success of my investigation. Additionally, I have begun gaining familiarity with the Comprehensive Complications Index (CCI), which is a standardized measure of the overall complications burden each patient experiences. I continue to work on patient outreach and data inputting for the current prehabilitation project. I have also begun screening patients for a different study which investigates the effects an anti-fungal drug on patients with Crohn’s disease.