Information for Incoming Students and Families
Information for Incoming Students and Families

Welcome to Barnard!
We are thrilled to welcome our incoming first-year, transfer, and visiting students — and their family members and supporters — to the Barnard community. On this webpage, you will find useful information from across the College as you navigate the transition to Barnard and prepare for your first semester.
Enrolling students should be sure to check their Barnard email address regularly throughout the summer, as this is the primary way that Barnard will share important information and updates.
Instructions on how to activate your Barnard account and Columbia UNI account are emailed to students after you have indicated your intention to enroll. If you have any questions about activating your accounts, please visit the BCIT New Student Information page for more information and assistance.
Family Engagement
At Barnard, we believe parents and guardians are our partners as we work together to empower students to make the most of their college careers and chart their own paths. The Office of Family Engagement enhances the Barnard experience for students and families alike by engaging family members as supporters of their students’ success. We do so through communications, events, and by serving as a resource for individual inquiries.
Communications to Family Members: Barnard sends periodic emails to parents and guardians with general information and updates from the College, as well as invitations to events. In accordance with FERPA, individual students’ personal and academic information are not shared without the student's express permission.
Sign Up for Emails: Parents or guardians who are not receiving emails from Barnard are encouraged to email Family Engagement at to sign up for communications.
Family Weekend: Please mark your calendars for Family Weekend, which will take place on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26, 2024. These dates mirror Columbia’s Family Days and Homecoming. We are partnering with the Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life and others on programming, as this weekend aligns with a Jewish holiday. We warmly invite the parents, family members, and supporters of students in all class years to attend. Registration and additional information will be communicated by email in the fall.
Contact Information: If family members have any questions or need guidance at any point during your student’s time at Barnard, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Family Engagement at or (212) 854-8424.
Information Sessions
Incoming students and their family members are invited to attend a series of virtual information sessions. During these conversations, campus partners will share what to expect as students navigate the transition to Barnard and embark on their first semester, as well as how families can best support their students. We aim to answer your questions and help you feel more prepared before arriving on campus.
The information sessions include: Student Health and Well-Being (Tues., Aug. 6 from 7–8 p.m. EDT); Navigating Life at Barnard (Thurs., Aug. 8 from 7–8 p.m. EDT); Academic Experience and Support (Tues., Aug. 13 from 7–8 p.m. EDT); Move-In and Orientation (Thurs., Aug. 15 from 7–8 p.m. EDT); and Getting Involved on Campus (Tues., Aug. 20 from 7–8:30 p.m. EDT).
All information sessions will take place virtually via Zoom and will include time for questions from the audience. Recordings will be available afterward for those unable to join us live.
The link to register was sent via email to incoming students and families. If you did not receive it, please email Family Engagement at to sign up.
Summer Send-Offs
Hosted by Alumnae Relations, New Student Summer Student Send-Offs bring alums, current students, and their family members together in July and August to welcome incoming students and families to the Barnard community. We hope that many of you will attend to connect with one another and share your Barnard pride! Visit the event page to see if there is an event in your area and to register to join.
Required Enrollment Forms
All new students are required to complete important enrollment forms over the summer. If you have questions about a form, please use the contact information provided for the appropriate department.
Incoming first-year and transfer students: Log into your Becoming Barnard New Enrolling Student Portal to access these forms and view their deadlines. On the Enrollment Forms & Information page, you can download a PDF checklist of the enrollment process to print and/or share with family members.
Visiting students: Instead of logging in through the portal, visiting students will receive a PDF checklist of the enrollment process directly from their sponsoring dean or office.
Important Dates
Important dates for the summer months are included below. Please see the "Required Enrollment Forms" section above for more information on how to access the forms via the Enrolling Student Portal.
For the fall semester and beyond, bookmark the College’s Academic Calendar and Residential Life & Housing Calendar to easily find important dates.
Summer Deadlines and Important Dates:
Fri., June 7: Deadline to submit disability-related housing accommodation requests and supporting documentation via the Center for Accessibility Resources and Disability Services (CARDS)
Mon., June 10: Deadline for housing application for incoming first-year, transfer, and visiting students
Tues., June 11: Deadline to register for Access Barnard Pre-Orientation Programs
Fri., June 14: Deadline to submit adviser questionnaire for incoming first-year students
Mon., June 17: Deadline to submit Office of the Bursar forms
Fri., June 28: Deadline to submit health and vaccine forms
Mon., July 1: Deadline to apply for Access Barnard’s Peer Mentoring Program
Fri., July 12: Deadline for first-year students to submit final high school transcript and for transfer students to submit final college transcript
Fri., July 12: Deadline to complete the Directory Information Form and Emergency Contact Form
Mon., July 15: Deadline to submit photo for student ID card
Mon., July 15 to Fri., July 19: Initial course registration for incoming first-year students
Mon., July 29 to Fri., Aug. 2: Initial course registration for incoming transfer and visiting students
Mon., Aug. 5: Deadline for tuition payment via Bursar Student Account Center
Mon., Aug. 5: Move-in for HEOP and CSTEP Scholars participating in the Access Barnard Summer Residential Pre-Orientation program
Mon., Aug. 19: Move-in for International F-1 & First Gen/Low Income (FLI) Students participating in Access Barnard Navigating Barnard Week
Fri., Aug. 23: Deadline for students with personal health insurance to opt out of the Aetna Student Health Insurance plan
Wed., Aug. 28: Move-in for incoming first-year, transfer, and visiting students living in the residence halls
Wed., Aug. 28 to Sun., Sept. 1: New Student Orientation Program (NSOP) for all incoming students
Tues., Sept. 3: First day of classes for the Fall 2024 semester
Move-In, Housing, and Mail
In August, Residential Life & Housing will email incoming residential students with housing and roommate assignments, check-in times, and other important information.
Incoming first-year, transfer, and visiting students living on campus will move into the residence halls on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, unless they are participating in an Access Barnard Pre-Orientation Program (see "Pre-Orientation" below).
We encourage you to review Residential Life & Housing's Information for New Students and Frequently Asked Questions for more information about what to bring with you and life in the residence halls.
Students who may need housing accommodations for a disability or medical condition need to register with the Center for Accessibility Resources and Disability Services (CARDS) and submit the Housing Accommodation Request Form and medical documentation. Click here for more information about CARDS disability housing accommodation requests.
Please note: while we make every effort to provide housing to as many applicants as possible, space in campus housing is limited and cannot be guaranteed for transfer and visiting students for their first or following years at the College. Transfer and visiting students will be emailed regarding the availability of campus housing by August 1. Students not living in campus housing can find Off-Campus Housing information here.
Students are assigned a mailbox number shortly before the start of the fall semester, which can be found by logging into Slate for Students. Students may pick up their mail at Mail Services in the Diana Center, Lower Level Room 103, during open hours, which can be found on the Mail Services webpage.
Please note:
- Please follow the instructions for addressing student mail and packages.
- All mail and packages must be sent to a student’s mailbox in Mail Services. We cannot accept mail or packages addressed to a student's residence hall.
- Mail Services will accept mail and packages for students up to five days before their move-in date. If you're sending packages before moving in, please ask the shipper to hold delivery until that time.
- Students should wait to receive an email that their package is ready for pickup before visiting Mail Services.
- From Wednesday, August 28 to Sunday, September 1, Mail Services will be open with extended hours and will facilitate a satellite pickup location in Weber Living Room, Reid Hall Room 118. Package notification emails will indicate which location to visit for pickup.
For more information, please visit the Mail Services website.
Orientation and Pre-Orientation
The New Student Orientation Program (NSOP) will take place from Wednesday, August 28 to Sunday, September 1, 2024. NSOP is designed to help new first-year, transfer, and visiting students learn about campus resources and build community. All incoming students are required to participate in NSOP to aid in a successful transition to Barnard.
Housing during NSOP is only provided for residential students. During NSOP, non-residential students will have the opportunity to get comfortable and familiar with commuting to campus.
Information about NSOP will be communicated to students at their Barnard email address. The official schedule will be released in August.
For more information, visit the NSOP webpage or email
Access Barnard serves as the hub of college efforts to enhance the academic experiences and promote the inclusion and excellence of first-generation, low-income, and international students in their transition to and persistence through the Barnard experience. First-Gen/Low-Income Initiatives (FLI), International Student Services (ISS), and Opportunity Programs (OP) are all housed within Access Barnard.
Access Barnard provides a residential pre-orientation program for incoming first-year students in two parts to better support specific populations as they begin their transition to Barnard. We expect participants to fully commit to the program, so attendance and engagement is mandatory and full-time.
- The Opportunity Programs (OP) Pre-Orientation Program will take place from August 5–19 and is required for OP students (CSTEP and HEOP scholars).
- OP students will move in on Monday, August 5. More details will be shared directly from Access Barnard.
- OP students’ family members are invited to attend parent and family orientation from 12:30–1:30pm on August 5, following move-in.
- Navigating Barnard Week will take place from August 19–27. Participation is required for OP students, as well as international students (F-1 visa holders). First-generation and/or low-income (FLI) and third-culture students may opt-in to participate by the deadline.
- Students not already on campus will move in on Monday, August 19. More details will be shared directly from Access Barnard.
- Family members of participating students are invited to attend parent and family orientation from 3–6pm on August 19, following move-in.
For more information, please see the Access Barnard Summer 2024 FAQs (must be logged into Barnard account to view). If you have additional questions not answered there, please contact or the appropriate team: Opportunity Programs (, International Student Services (, or First-Generation/Low-Income Student Initiatives (
Registration and Advising
From July 15 to 19, first-year students will begin course registration for the fall semester. During this week, they will only register for the courses required for first-year students (First-Year Writing, First-Year Seminar, and Physical Education), as well as one or two other courses at the 1000 or 2000 level. Students will have the opportunity to adjust their final course selections in consultation with their assigned orientation advisor when they arrive on campus. Any remaining credits will be added during the add/drop (“shopping”) period during the first two weeks of classes.
More information will be shared by the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support via the First-Year Class Blog as well as the First-Year Guide, which is sent in volumes throughout the summer. They will also hold group advising sessions for students over Zoom during June in advance of the July registration period. Students should follow instructions sent by the Deans’ Office to sign up for classes during the registration period.
Initial course registration for incoming transfer and visiting students will take place from Monday, July 29 to Friday, August 2.
In June, incoming transfer students will receive theTransfer Guide, which contains helpful information as they prepare for course registration and for their first semester at Barnard. Associate Dean for Transfer Students Mary Laurita will also reach out to all enrolling transfer and visiting students by email with information about advising appointment sessions.
If you have any questions as an incoming transfer student, please reach out to Mary Laurita, Associate Dean for Transfer Students, at Visiting students with questions should be in touch with Wendy Garay, First-Year Class Dean, at
Peer Mentoring
Incoming first-year and transfer students are invited to apply to the Peer Mentoring Program hosted by Access Barnard. You do not need to identify as one of the Access Barnard populations to participate; everyone is welcome.
Mentees will be matched with experienced junior mentors who serve as a resource and source of support as you transition to the Barnard community. Each mentor will have up to three mentees, all sharing similar interests and/or identities. Mentees are asked to commit to one to two hours of mentoring per week.
The priority deadline to apply is Monday, July 1. Please access the application form via the Becoming Barnard New Enrolling Student Portal. Any questions may be directed to
Bills and Insurance
The tuition bill for the fall semester is due on Monday, August 5, 2024. Students will be notified by email when the bill is available in early July. Please note that late fees will accrue after the August 5 tuition bill deadline. Class registration and residence hall move-in will not be permitted until all balances have been cleared.
By default, e-bill notifications and access to the Bursar Student Account Center are sent only to students. Students may add parents, guardians, or other supporters as an authorized user so that they receive email notifications and have direct access to the Bursar Student Account Center.
The Office of the Bursar is responsible for billing and collection of students' tuition and loan accounts. Please see the Becoming Barnard New Enrolling Student Portal or the PDF checklist of the enrollment process for required Bursar forms, which are due on June 19, as well as more information about tuition payment.
If you have questions about accessing your student billing account, billing, charges/fees, student refunds, payment plans, changing your meal plan, or waiving health insurance fees, please contact the Bursar’s Office at
If applicable to you, please view financial aid information on the Becoming Barnard New Enrolling Student Portal and complete the necessary steps to finalize your financial aid. Updated financial aid award letters will be released in early July, and all students are required to accept or decline all financial aid awards and/or loans by this time. For complete information on all aspects of our financial aid resources and policies, visit Barnard Financial Aid.
If you have any questions about your financial aid application, financial aid policies, loans (Parent Plus Loans, Stafford Loans, etc.), or health insurance fee assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office at
All registered students are required to have health insurance while enrolled at Barnard, either through a personal/family policy or through Aetna Student Health.
All Barnard students are automatically enrolled in the Aetna Student Health Insurance plan at the start of each academic year. If you have personal health insurance and would like to opt out of the Aetna Student Health Insurance plan, you must do so by August 23 via the online waiver request form linked on the Barnard Primary Care Health Services Insurance website. The website also includes more information and answers to frequently asked questions.
All students, regardless of if they have personal/family insurance or Aetna Student Health insurance, can access the services at the Primary Care Health Service (PCHS), Furman Counseling Center, Alcohol & Substance Awareness Program, Center for Accessibility Resources and Disability Services (CARDS), the Wellness Spot Health Promotion & Education Center, and the Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center. These services are covered under the Barnard tuition and there is no per-visit fee or co-pay. The only exception is for discount medication, vaccines, and medical supplies at PCHS, which must be paid for at the time of the visit. Health insurance is only activated when laboratory tests are ordered and/or when a student is referred off-campus to a health care or mental health specialist or facility.
If you have any questions about student health insurance, please contact Elliot Wasserman, Director of Operations at PCHS, at or (212) 854-8305.
Accessibility Services
The Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS) serves students with permanent and temporary disabilities. Examples of various disability types include visual, mobility, hearing, chronic medical illnesses, learning, ADD/ADHD, and psychological and cognitive conditions.
CARDS works to support students with disabilities and ensure that reasonable accommodations are made to provide programmatic and physical access. CARDS encourages all students with visible or invisible disabilities to self-identify and register with our office, even if you are not sure whether you’ll need accommodations.
To register with CARDS and receive accommodations, students must complete a new student application, submit appropriate disability-related documentation, and have a meeting with a CARDS coordinator (virtual appointments are available).
Accommodations are not retroactive, so it's best to register with CARDS as soon as possible to set up any accommodations for the beginning of your first semester at Barnard. Please also visit our website to view additional information about CARDS and our services.
If you are a student planning to live on campus who would like to request disability-related accommodations for their housing assignment, please follow the procedure outlined on the CARDS webpage.
If you have any questions, please contact CARDS at or (212) 854-4634 (voice/TTY).
Helpful Resources and Links
Check here for important academic dates and deadlines, including registration, holidays, and final exams.
Are you an international, first-generation and/or low-income, or Opportunity Programs student? Learn more about Access Barnard’s work to enhance the academic experiences and promote the inclusion and excellence of these populations in their transition to and persistence through the Barnard experience.
Your one-stop shop for all things Barnard, from school supplies to comfy clothes and gifts, so everyone can show their Barnard pride.
The Barnard College Information Technology (BCIT) Student Computing team provides technical support and guidance on activating Barnard accounts as well as printing, wireless, and computer lab access on campus.
Students should log into this password-protected portal to complete their required enrollment forms and find important information for incoming students.
Learn about the academic and nonacademic support resources at the College to help students succeed both inside and outside the classroom.
This site serves as a central source of information for first-year students at Barnard. There will be regular updates with explanations of academic policies, procedures, and deadlines; information from academic programs and departments; and announcements about opportunities for fellowships, grants, and scholarships — so bookmark this site and check it often!
Learn about the roommate selection process, take a virtual tour of the residence halls, and find out what to bring with you (and what to leave behind).
How do I find my mailing address? When can I start sending packages to campus before move-in? How do I pick up mail after I arrive on campus? Find the answers to these and more frequently asked questions here.
Learn what to expect during orientation, during which incoming first-year and transfer students learn about campus resources and build community at Barnard.
Check here to see when students move in and out of the residence halls for summer and winter breaks.