Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science Department: Environmental Science tmaenzag@barnard.edu 212-854-7089 528 W 120th Street, 7th floor, Room 705
Elisabeth Mah Adjunct Associate Department: Psychology Specialization: Organizational Psychology emah@barnard.edu By Appointment
Brian Mailloux Professor in Environmental Science and Co-Chair, Environmental Science Department Department: Environmental Science bmailloux@barnard.edu 212-854-7956
Stephanie Malak Senior Associate Director of Internship Programs and Special Initiatives at Beyond Barnard
Jennifer Mansfield Professor of Biology Department: Biology Specialization: Developmental Genetics jmansfield@barnard.edu 212-854-4381 Wed, Thurs 12-1 pm (Fall 2024)
Almudena Marín Cobos Lecturer, Spanish and Latin American Cultures Department: Spanish amarincobos@barnard.edu 213 Milbank Hall
Elida Martinez Gaynor Director, Opportunity Programs Department: Administration emartinez@barnard.edu 212-854-0450
Laura Masone Chair, Physical Education; Senior Associate in Physical Education; Group Fitness Director Department: Physical Education lmasone@barnard.edu 212-854-6963
Hisham Matar Professor of Professional Practice in English and Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures Department: Asian & Middle Eastern Cultures, Comparative Literature, English hmatar@barnard.edu 212-854-2116
E’mett O. McCaskill Lecturer (Neuroscience & Behavior, Psychology) Department: Neuroscience & Behavior emccaski@barnard.edu TTH 10:30-11:30
Koleen McCrink Professor of Psychology Department: Cognitive Science, Psychology Specialization: Developmental Psychology kmccrink@barnard.edu 212-854-8893
Rachel McDermott On Leave for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Department: Asian & Middle Eastern Cultures, Human Rights Specialization: South Asia (India and Bangladesh) rmcdermo@barnard.edu 212-854-5416
Dusa McDuff Joan Lyttle Birman ’48 Professor of Mathematics Department: Mathematics dmcduff@barnard.edu 212-854-5079
Meg McLagan Visiting Professor of Professional Practice Department: English, Film Studies mmclagan@barnard.edu 212-854-2059
Ellen McLaughlin Adjunct Associate Professor Department: English emclaugh@barnard.edu 212-854-2116 By appt. M 1-3pm
Linn Cary Mehta Adjunct Lecturer Department: English, First Year Foundation lmehta@barnard.edu 212-854-9106 MW 3-5pm and by appointment