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On February 2, Barnard will host one of its biggest events of the year, the Inauguration of its ninth president, Laura Ann Rosenbury

Inauguration 2024 banner

To mark this momentous occasion, the community will participate in weeklong, themed campus events, beginning on January 30, leading up to the big day. Activities will range from an open house tour of the College’s many science departments and a celebration of the arts on campus to a Barnard breakfast, the 2024 Lewis-Ezekoye Distinguished Lecture in Africana Studies, alumnae celebration, and much more.

President Rosenbury — who began her tenure on June 12, 2023 — will be officially honored by the College’s Board of Trustees, students, faculty, staff, members of the Morningside Heights community, and family and friends of the College with a ceremony at the iconic Riverside Church. 

June 2023 - Now

Along with President Rosenbury, who will share her vision for the College’s future, speakers will include Jyoti Menon ’01 (Board of Trustees member), Cheryl Glicker Milstein ’82, P’14 (chair, Board of Trustees), Christopher Baswell (Ann Whitney Olin Professor of English and acting director of Film Studies), Columbia’s President Minouche Shafik, and President Rosenbury’s longtime college friend Nalini Kotamraju.

Following the event, the entire community will return to campus to continue the festivities at the Diana Center.

Click here to learn more about Inauguration Day and the planned events.