On February 27, the Douglass-O’Connell Global Internship Program announced that Sofia Rojas ’27 (political science) and Victoria Wilson ’26 (economics) had been selected by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the African American Irish Diaspora Network (AAIDN) for the 2024 cohort of 15 students.

A collaboration of Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs, CIEE, and AAIDN, the internship — an eight-week program combining academic study and real-world work experience in Dublin — is designed to honor African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass and Irish reformer Daniel O’Connell in the global movement for freedom, equality, social justice, and economic mobility by preparing students from diverse backgrounds for future and career success. 

Over 300 students applied from hundreds of prestigious institutions of higher education and from across different academic disciplines, such as economics, history, psychology, and sociology. Selected students receive a living stipend as well as full funding during their internship placement and for academic coursework, housing, and airfare. Barnard is the only college that had two Douglass-O’Connell Global interns chosen.

Sofia-Rojas wearing gray jacket black shirt
Sofia Rojas ’27
Victoria-Wilson wearing black jacket white shirt
Victoria Wilson ’26

“I first came across the internship opportunity through the Access Barnard newsletter, [and] Beyond Barnard then provided me with résumé-building resources to strengthen my application,” said Rojas. “In Dublin, I hope to use the lasting legacies of Frederick Douglass and Daniel O’Connell to inspire my own action toward social change. I plan to intern in a public policy or law-related field and narrow my broad passion of serving underprivileged communities. I also look forward to utilizing this immersive, international work experience, along with its networking opportunities, to aid me in my future endeavors.”

“As the president of Columbia University’s Women in Law and Politics, Barnard continues to provide me with endless quality opportunities to associate with a plethora of brilliant and like-minded young women who desire to make a positive change in our world,” said Wilson. “Barnard teaches us to take intellectual risks. That is why I applied for such a competitive program. I am elated and look forward to the leadership training and invaluable work experience I will gain in Dublin, [and] I hope to make Barnard and the Douglass-O’Connell committee proud of me and my future endeavors as an attorney.”

During their eight weeks in Ireland, the 2024 Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns will intern with a host company that aligns with their skills and career goals, attend lectures on Irish history and culture, and participate in extracurricular and networking activities in Dublin, Cork, and Belfast. 

“The Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship Program is an important part of our mission to build diverse and inclusive bridges, understanding, and opportunity between Ireland and America,” said AAIDN founder and chairman Dennis Brownlee. “We are excited to partner with Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and CIEE to offer this life-changing experience to these dynamic and talented students who will be among our next global leaders.” 

Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns will choose from dozens of rich internship placement opportunities in Ireland, with examples like writing, editing, and publishing articles for one of Ireland’s leading media companies; analyzing data-based trends to optimize urban transportation for a cutting-edge transportation tech startup; or advocating for the human rights of those living in chronic poverty. The interns will grow professionally and contribute to the important work of their host companies as they work alongside Irish colleagues. 

“The program will inspire young professionals to draw inspiration from the lives of Douglass and O’Connell, gain wisdom from their immersion in Irish history and culture, and expand their professional networks, all of which will provide advantages when they return to America and continue their academic and professional careers,” said James P. Pellow, Ed.D., president and CEO of CIEE. 

About the Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship Program 

The Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship Program is a fully funded scholarship for students from diverse backgrounds to gain practical work experience, develop an international network of professional contacts, and expand their understanding of Irish history and culture. The program is named in celebration of Frederick Douglass’ transformative visit to Ireland in 1845, during which he met and was profoundly influenced by the famous Irish reformer Daniel O’Connell, who expanded Douglass’ worldview and commitment to advancing social justice for all. The program honors the legacy of both men as lifelong leaders of social change, extraordinary communicators, and successful businessmen.