Michele Regenold Digital Communications Consultant Department: Administration Specialization: Web communication and marketing mregenol@barnard.edu 715-282-6336 Mon-Wed: Noon to 5 Thu: 10 to 3
Robert Remez Professor of Psychology Department: Cognitive Science, Neuroscience & Behavior, Psychology rremez@barnard.edu 212-854-4247
Jonathan M. Reynolds Professor of Art History Department: Art History jmreynol@barnard.edu 212-854-5396
Jonathan Rieder Professor of Sociology Department: American Studies, Human Rights, Sociology jrieder@barnard.edu By appointment
Wadda Ríos-Font Professor of Spanish and Latin American Cultures Department: Spanish wriosfon@barnard.edu 212-854-2061 208 Milbank Hall
María Rivera Maulucci Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Education, Education Program Director/Chair Department: Education, Urban Studies mriveram@barnard.edu 212-854-2121 Mondays, 1-3pm; Wednesdays, 2-3pm; and by appointment via Zoom.
Melanie Rodriguez Associate in Physical Education Department: Physical Education Specialization: Mind/Body, Yoga, Fitness merodrig@barnard.edu 201-854-0078
Sedelia Rodriguez Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science; Assistant Director/Program Coordinator-Science Pathways Scholars Program Department: Environmental Science srodrigu@barnard.edu 212-851-9840 400 Altschul Hall
Sherlyn Rojas '25 (she/her) Social Media Student Liaison, Office of Community Engagement and Inclusion sr3870@barnard.edu
Russell Romeo Professor of Neuroscience Department: Neuroscience & Behavior rromeo@barnard.edu 212-854-5903 By Appointment
Jennifer Rosenthal Adjunct Lecturer Department: English, First Year Foundation jerosenthal.barnard@gmail.com 212-854-2116 420 Barnard Hall
Richard Todd Rouhe Adjunct Assistant Professor Department: Architecture rrouhe@barnard.edu By Appointment